
Otherworld - Faery Forest Oracle

Faery Forest Oracle
Faery Forest Oracle

It's a time for being around nature & the kin that are within.

Use this card & its energy to fill you heart with the love from those around you now physically & for those who have moved on, though are constantly nearby.

The Fairy of the underworld is with you, and understands the feeling you have been going through as the veil between this world and the next has been a lot thinner just lately. 

What was once clear and felt stable and grounded can now feel lol everything has been shifted and you may feel that sometimes you are living a dream or not completely grounded in this world. 

You may be feeling a little unwell, and your body may also be tired as you move through this shift in your life. 
The thinning if the veil can feel unfamiliar to you, as you try to navigate through. 

This time shall pass, and you will come out the other side with much more knowledge and experience than you did in the past. 

As you allow this moment in your life to be there, a lot will be healed and learned by you. Don't force things to end or to begin, just listen to your body and practice working on your spiritual abilities- especially those of you who are focusing on mediumship,and connecting to the divine. 

You will not feel this way forever, and you are supported in all that you do, trust that the nature Angels (Fairy's) are watching you and guiding you through this time with love and patience. 

Have love and patience for yourself, and remember you are not alone with what you are feeling and experiencing. 

Hold joy in your hearts because you are moving up a level to the next phase of your journey, armed with knowledge and healing to see you through. 

Light a silver candle for healing and beginnings!

ISA represents focus and awareness. Isa represent ice- Frozen in Time. 

Winter has already arrived to Faery Forrest

Time to be wise and wait, time to freeze your plans, halt your plans. Better Wait g for a better time to launch your plans... You are being guided to quietly listen for more information and consider the situation further which you calmly accept and know it is the right course of action for now.