
Archangel Power Tarot - Ace of Gabriel

Archangel, Archangel Power Tarot - Ace of Gabriel
 Archangel, Archangel Power Tarot - Ace of Gabriel 
New beginnings, new life, new start
A wonderful gift is coming your way! It promotes passion, opportunity, and inspiration. This is a time to take action when you're called. Do not hesitate to move forward. Accept new adventures and opportunities with open arms!
Whatever inspires you at this time go for it! It is an opportune time to move forward with that which you are most passionate about! You can make great strides if you take action now. Even if it’s a baby step it tells the Universe you care and mean business. 

You might be offered a new job or promotion or you could even start your own business.
 Embrace the door that opens for you on these days. For some of you may have a pregnancy or birth. 
Pay close attention to your dreams, thoughts and visions for any new ideas being presented

A day where ideas may pop in to your mind. A day to put these ideas in action. A moment to move forward and follow your dreams.

This is a week where you can start anew. The Moon is urging you to look ahead. Focus on new beginnings, and this may be in all areas of your life. New opportunities are to move towards you. Magical adventures ahead. New excitement.

Use your true passion for life, and tell yourself - '' I can do this. '' Know that you really can, if you are willing to put your heart and soul in, what do you really want in life.

Creativity is also indicated with this card, so pick up that pen and begin writing that book. Draw, paint, design, sing, dance! Be the inspiration to both yourself, and others.

To succeed, you must think clearly and plan ahead. There is a void in your life waiting to be filled, and it is your duty to fill it. Prepare for a transformative experience by filling this void with something to positively influence your new beginning.