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Ascended Masters Oracle Cards, Lugh- Sun of God

Ascended Masters -  Ascended Masters Oracle Cards, Lugh- Sun of God
Ascended Masters Oracle Cards, Lugh- Sun of God

Lugh is a Celtic Sun of God

He is sometimes interpreted as a sun god, a storm god or a sky god. Lugh is also strongly associated with the harvest festival of Lughnasadh, which is named after him.

Lugh is known by the epithets Lámfada meaning "long arm" or "long hand"), possibly for his skill with a spear or sling, Ildánach ("skilled in many arts"), Samildánach ("equally skilled in many arts"), Lonnbéimnech ("fierce striker"), Macnia ("youthful warrior/hero") and Conmac ("hound-son") As to ancestry, Lugh is given the matriname mac Ethlenn or mac Ethnenn ("son of Ethliu or Ethniu", his mother) and the patriname mac Cein ("son of aCian his father)He is the maternal grandson of the Fomorian, Balor whom Lugh kills in the Battle of Mag Tuired His foster-father is the sea god, Manannán. Lugh's son is the hero Cú Chulainn, who is believed to be an incarnation of Lugh.

Lugh has several magical possessions. He wields an unstoppable fiery spear, a sling stone, and a sword named Fragarach("the answerer"). He also owns a self-sailing boat named Scuabtuinne ("wave sweeper"), a horse named Enbarr, and a hound named Failinis

He is a reflex of the pan-Celtic god Lugus, and his Welsh counterpart is Lleu Llaw Gyffes, "The Bright One with the Strong Hand".

Lugh is a Celtic sun god of harvest time whose name means “the shining one”. His Celtic festival, called Lughnasa, is celebrated worldwide at the end of every summer. Legend says that Lugh was renowned as a master of many crafts including art, poetry, and healing. Call upon Lugh to help with mastering anything you’re learning, as well as for enjoying bountiful harvests of abundance.

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