
Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro - Monday 20th November 2017 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro - Monday 20th November 2017

The Moon is moving in Sagittarius today and following the analogy that I used yesterday, if we have just turned the page to a new chapter in the past 24 hours, as this day moves forward, we continue reading and learning. Sagittarius is a social sign and this for the most part will be a busy sociable day. It's likely that you won't want to be constrained or held down by commitments today and any chance to get out and free ourselves of the things that we have to do will seem very appealing. 

Alas, this this may not be so easy, especially later on. The prospect of releasing ourselves from responsibilities is an idealistic one, however the Moon will be running into a closing Mercury and Saturn conjunction today as well as hitting most of the other planets too, as all of them save Jupiter and Neptune are currently in the second half of the signs that they are in. Thus the Moon will sextile Mars, trine Uranus, square Chiron and semi sextile Venus and Pluto. Lots of influences here and many pushes and pulls on our emotions. The conjunction to Mercury will infuse us with a myriad of issues to deal with, juggling our priorities to suit the moment. As the Moon closes in on a conjunction with Saturn our mood may darken a little and we may have to face reality more readily. We may stop and think, take our time over things and be more careful in how we deal with people and situations. All the time though no matter what we are doing there will be the sense that we still have to keep moving forward, no matter how slowly. This evening will be the equivalent of sitting in a traffic jam, knowing that you are en route but powerless to move forward as fast as you would like to. 

Venus is approaching a sextile aspect to Pluto, and our values and sense of love for someone or something may deepen and intensify. There is a sense of slight obsession that is starting to build and a special person or issue in our sights may start to take over our thoughts. We can attract people into our circle now, but we won't accept those who have a lesser vision than our own. Superficiality is something that will not be neither wanted nor needed in the next few days...

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