
Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro – Thursday 9th November 2017 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro – Thursday 9th November 2017

This is a half and half day with the Moon starting off in Cancer and by midday (UK/European time) moving into the outgoing sign of Leo. We begin today needing to address family and domestic issues, we may be moody and difficult in general, and even if you are feeling ok, others close to you may be hard to deal with and dissatisfied with anything that you try to keep them content. 

The reason for this is a tricky square aspect to Uranus, an inconjunct to Saturn and a easier trine to Chiron that the Moon makes early on today. These links in general are hard to deal with as they will make us all excitable, maybe too impulsive, and if anyone tries to hold you back or force you to commit to something that you don't want to do then you may tend to rebel against them. This could lead you into problems with people in charge, and you may face sanctions if you fail to toe the line. There are awkward changes or impositions this morning that we may have to endure or reluctantly accept. The paradox is that we we are being directed into a situation that may actually help us out of a jam that has been bothering us for a long while, although at the time we won't appreciate it. 

In the background the Sun makes a positive link to Pluto and Mars perfects a difficult inconjunct to Neptune. The former aspect is one that can boost our hold on things and through it we can show single minded purpose to improve anything that we now deem important. The latter is a connection that may implore us to escape from the less easy situations that we feel today, be that through taking direct action to “hide away” from our responsibilities or maybe we will try to conceal something from view. There is a slightly cruel and chaotic feel here too, and things may not pan out as you may like today. 

Later on as the Moon enters Leo, you'll feel brighter and more self assured though. You will try to create a good impression, and you'll look to be appreciated for all that you are trying to achieve. There are square angles to both Venus and Jupiter in quick succession, aspects that may slightly complicate relationship situations, in that you may either be complacent in dealing with loved ones or that you may become lazy and neglectful of what they ask or maybe you'll feel like taking the easy way out of situations? All the same, there is a lovely optimism here that everything will be ok in the end. Finally, the Moon makes a sympathetic trine to Mercury and we can make some sense of not only your own issues, but of other people's as well. 

This is indeed a day of conflicting emotions and feelings, and one that may find us sometimes irritable, sometimes worried and at other times confident and self assured, but even if the start of the day proves difficult, this is going to ease as the day progresses. Keep your resolve and if necessary take your medicine; ultimately you know it's good for you...

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