10 November 2017

Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro – Saturday 11th November 2017

This is an important day astrologically. The Moon stays in Leo for most of this day before moving quite late on into Virgo. Again we may want to be demonstrative in what we want to achieve, and there is an openness and sense of fun in all our actions and decisions that will come through. This is not a day to hide away but rather to let you and your actions be seen by others. As the Moon enters Virgo towards the end of the day we may seek a more introspective and quieter environment to be in. 

On this day Saturn and Uranus finally perfect a trine between each other. This major connection between the planet of limitation and the status quo and the planet of rebellion and progress has been urging us to update our lives and positions for much of the year. This is the final of three meetings between these outer planets, and where you are now in your life may be radically different to the position you were in at the start of 2017. The Moon now joins in to join both Saturn and Uranus to form a grand fire trine. 

Here is a peak point emotionally where we finally realise the enormity of the change that we have endured, it's like we have reached the top of the mountain and we can look out at the vista below us. There is hope and boundless enthusiasm for the future in it's fullest sense, and we will be able to see a roadmap that we should follow traced out before us. There is optimism too starting to build, with Venus starting to close in on a incredibly fortunate conjunction with Jupiter. Enjoy the fruits of your labours today and you may sense that now is time to splash out on a treat or two, especially if you have been tightening belts in the recent past. Enjoy the positivity that the sky provides right now, as you know it won't last forever.

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