15 November 2017

Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro - Thursday 16th November 2017

We start the day as we finished the last, feeling a little more settled after a changeable day before. The Moon completes it's final pass through the degrees of Libra void in action before it hits Scorpio as the Sun is rising on Thursday morning (UK/European time). Our needs are now more immediate but initially hidden. We will require answers now, the desire to complete tasks and plans and move on is greater, we will have greater will and desire to succeed, we will achieve our objectives. 

Now in Scorpio, the Moon tracks a course heading for a conjunction with Jupiter which it will meet just before the day is done. There is a growing sense of optimism within us today and there us also a feeling that we should learn more. What are your priorities now? Do you need greater knowledge to achieve those tasks? Today is one where we should listen to those with greater wisdom so that we can pick enough information to make our lives better and easier. We should open our hearts out to different ways of doing things, be more diverse and welcoming in the way be believe and accept others. This is an inclusive day, and if you find your path blocked for any reason, realise that someone else with a different approach might have an answer and a solution that we can use instead. 

On the back of these themes, remember Mars is starting to close in even closer on that square to Pluto urging us to act and make fundamental changes, and on this day too Venus forms a very creative water trine with Neptune. This is a beautifully creative link, imaginative, colourful, sensitive, even psychic. This is a signal to let our imaginations run wild. We can dream vivid dreams today, so if you have an inspirational thought, write it down and use it or store it for the future. We should not waste the potential that is flowing here, as it can unlock a myriad of possibilities. Spiritually, artistically, socially and in our values we can be open to all-comers and all possibilities today, we can change our core values and make them universally more acceptable. It's a day for us to open our hearts and let the love flow out. Do not waste this moment, show that you care, show all your potential, show that you can reach a higher level...

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