21 November 2017

Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro - Wednesday 22nd November 2017


The Moon remains in Capricorn today and we remain in the main rather emotionally stoic and less able to express our true desires than we normally would do. Here is a feeling of keeping excesses under check, of not showing weakness and vulnerability otherwise people may think ill of us. Our reputation matters and so does the way we present ourselves to the world. We need to feel strong and useful, even if inside we feel as weak as a kitten. 

Now the Moon as the day begins is in a helpful sextile to Jupiter and this allows us to open out a bit first up and to be more open and accessible than the Moon in Capricorn would generally allow us to be. This is followed by another sextile, this time to Neptune and our sensitivity and need to help out others is enhanced. There is kindness here, an intuitive feel and a very down to earth sacrificial nature, constructive and caring. As the day moves on, the Moon gets closer to a conjunction with Pluto, which is still forming a sextile to Venus and a square to Mars. Even though these aspects are diverging, emotions will rise considerably as we hit the evening, there will be an obsession to do the right thing, to help aid change, act and show deep compassion. There is a lot of intense caring, love and emotion if we use the energy positively. We will need to control the situation we are in, be successful, and aid survival against all opposition. 

Now there are a couple of fixed star conjunctions operating today. Venus is now hitting the second of the stars in the scales of Libra, Zuben Eschamali sitting in the fortunate Northern Scale. This connection shows a willingness towards helping out in social situations, however you will involving yourself to benefit in some way, either financially or through raising your reputation and influence. This connection can be liked to favourable gain from romance to making money. Mercury is connecting with Ras Alhague, the main star in Ophiuchus, the serpent holder. This star and constellation is linked to the premise of medicine and healing, and Mercury here is an indicator of the counsellor, the researcher or the person who studies different methods of helping people. You get the theme here? This is a day of being in touch with the requirements of others, and acting to make their lives just a little bit easier. There is lovely energy to mould and shape today, so make a difference and use it wisely...

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