
Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro - Thursday 23rd November 2017 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro - Thursday 23rd November 2017

The Moon spends its second day in the sign of Capricorn and we will feel a sense of responsibility for almost all of the day. Capricorn ruled by Saturn is a sign of limitation and administration and we will need to do things in the most efficient and organised way possible, the need to succeed in all our endeavours is strong. There is little show of emotion under this sign, as we will always have more important issues to concern us. 

The Moon starts out the day square to Mars and this will make us a little impatient early on. As the Moon moves on it start to make a square aspect to Uranus in Aries and a sextile to Chiron. Chiron is known as the wounded healer and in a more positive way it is also known as a maverick influence too. Here we need to be that little bit different and we have a chance to show our sense of individuality today. Not only does Chiron sextile to the Moon impel us to be our own person, but Uranus also promotes an independent side with the added need to rebel against anything holding us back. My sense is that we will willfully break the rules now, and do our own thing if we feel that it is warranted, and yet the Moon in Capricorn tells us to tow the line and to follow protocol. We may be pushed and pulled mentally as to which is the best course of action to take. Ultimately though, there will be a distinct lack of emotion swaying us through the aspects that are occurring, and instead we will work on cool logic logic and rationality. This is not a day where our senses will serve us so well, no this is a day to make decisions on the facts as they are presented to us. We will get the best results through organisation, lists, structure and common sense. 

Late on in the day the Moon shift into the unemotional sign of Aquarius reinforcing the planetary energies of the previous 22 hours. Now we take on a more stubborn mood, we aren't going to change our minds. We know what works best for us, and no-one or nobody will tell us any differently.

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