
Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro - Tuesday 28th November 2017 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro - Tuesday 28th November 2017

The Moon continues in Pisces for about half of this day and the swirling, confusing and idealistic energy that has surrounded us still keeping our judgement rather off balance. Is what we are seeing and hearing genuine or a fabrication of the truth? We are caring and emotional early on, and we may worry about irrational things without knowing exactly why. More certainty comes as the Moon moves across the border into Aries, and a sense of renewal overcomes us. Here is the desire to move forward and to make up for lost time. We are hastier, less forgiving and we will need to achieve something by the end of the day. 

There are a lot of aspects today to deal with today. Initially the Moon makes a tricky inconjunct to Mars in Libra, and we may be rather irritable with a partner; their actions could cause us to get upset, even though it won't be warranted. There may be a sense of hurt as the Moon collides in Chiron, however help and sympathy is at hand as simultaneously the Moon forms a trine to Venus. There is love and caring to heal the wounds from earlier on. 

The Moon then makes a tense square to Mercury and Saturn together in Sagittarius. I have been mentioning this conjunction for some days now and it brings a sense of reality and sense to the morning's proceedings. We can be self critical, or we may be on the receiving end of harsh words, but likely we'll deserve them. We can and will forgive this, as we'll know that ultimately they were given to us to get us onto the right track. 

Now there is a sense of danger as this day progresses as Mars and Uranus is closing on an opposition. Especially when Mars gets into Aries, the potential for an explosion increases, and I'm not just referring to the smouldering volcano Mount Agung most of us have seen on TV in Indonesia. There is unexpected and unstable energy here, and anything from relationship bust-ups to power outages & technical hitches may affect our day. Our tempers may also be on more edge and anger may be raised if our progress is halted. There is much more of an edge as this day ends, so as much as you can be, please remain calm and try to be careful to consider your actions and words. 

One other note. Mercury and Saturn are now conjunct to the star Eltanin, the star in the dragon's eye in the constellation of Draco. This is a star traditionally linked to contamination and poisoning and clearing up a mess, and with this volcano ready to blow, I would be wary in that part of the world of poisonous gas explosions from the crater. You'll notice that aircraft have already been disrupted due to the ash billowing from the volcano, and that is perfectly in line with Saturn the planet of limitation conjunct to Mercury, the planet of transportation, on this star. The dragon breathes fire, and we may see a demonstration of the earth doing just this if there is an eruption.

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