
Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro - Thursday 2nd November 2017 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro - Thursday 2nd November 2017


Astrologically this is a “very” active day and there is much to write about. The Moon continues along it's path in the sign of Aries and we will continue to take on every challenge and situation we face in a positive and pro-active way – we will be in a mood to take things head on from the off today. 

The Moon leaves behind the opposition to Mars and enters into a tense square to Pluto this morning, and our senses become more attuned and our level of suspicions are aroused. Is everything all that it seems? We are more sceptical now and needing to look below face value at everything we are confronted with. We will become more obsessed about a problem or an issue, and anything that motivates or troubles us will affect us deeply through the middle of the day. 

As the Moon marches on through Aries, it is closing in on the planet Uranus and at the same time opposing Venus and making a positive tine to Saturn. There are social surprises that may await us later on today, unexpected twists and turns, and yet we may not be be able to reconcile them properly. There is a sense that we won't exactly know how to express our feelings. Yes, there may be a chance to experience something exciting or different this evening, and a chance encounter may see sparks fly, but Venus who wants to relate and wants to commit will not be able to make it's mind up. Your emotions will be at odds with your desires. We are on edge later on into the day, like a cat on a hot tin roof. Nothing will be certain, and anything could be possible. The Saturn link is interesting as it adds a permanence to the events of the day. Even though life may take a sudden unexpected switch of direction, this is one that could last for some time if the conditions are right.

Venus in the meantime links up with two important stars today, Spica and Arcturus. The latter sitting in the constellation of Bootes, the farmer and hunter, is a star of progress and path finding. The opposition to the Moon and Uranus suggest we can chart a different course and asset more independence if we are brave enough to do our own thing. Spica in Virgo is a wonderful and lucky star and it gives us a gift today. Use our emotions, tact and charm in the right way, and we can get what we want and need, either through our own unique talents or through the chance encounter with someone else who is different and opens our minds up to new vistas. Situations can literally be turned on their head in the blinking of an eye. 

While all this is going on, Saturn finally perfects a square to Chiron, and finally we can learn lessons from something that has been bothering us for some considerable time. Here experience catches up with naivety, long standing hurts and issues are realised and the long path to healing can open up for us. No, this is not going to be a quick fix, no there is still a long road to travel, but you can start the journey now with a bit more confidence than you previously had...

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