04 November 2017

Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro - Sunday 5th November 2017

The Moon on this day finishes it's path through Taurus and by noon (UK/European time) it has moved across into the sign of the twins, Gemini. Thus we have a shift of energy from a slow and steady start that picks up with speed once we get up and about. The Moon in Gemini needs information and to be busy, it is a sign of multi-tasking and we may find that we have several issues that we have to attend to, all at the same time.

Early in the day, the Moon makes a difficult angle to Saturn and an easier one to Chiron, and it's almost as if we require some time to take in and adjust to the events that occurred to us at the end of October. Remember too, we are still just off the back of the Full Moon and emotions may still be raw and tension may still punctuate the air at the changes that happened in the past 48 hours, so take your time to settle your mind and thoughts. 

Then the Moon opposes Mercury as it hits the cusp of Gemini. Any link up between these two planets makes us think of the past and/or of family issues, and it's a good time to take heed of other people's ideas and issues. The Moon then picks up on an easy trine to Mars and a more tense inconjunct to Jupiter. We will want to get on with our plans in a very no-nonsense and straightforward manner, but maybe something will get in the way of them all running totally smoothly. Nonetheless this should be a productive and assertive end to the day, and we may be busy getting into the evening things ready for the working week to come. 

Mercury itself is moving late in the day into a new sign, Sagittarius, and here it will make us more philosophical and broad minded than we have been in the past few weeks. We will more interested in the wide scope of things and not so bothered about the details, and on the whole we will want to enjoy ourselves more, take a few more risks and learn something new, either about a subject that we find interesting or about ourselves. It's time to stop worrying about what has been, and instead to look forward with a bit more confidence.

If you are interested in my Astrology, please come and visit my personal blog -
Solaris Astrology - Thanks...