18 November 2017

Astrology of the Day – Mars square Pluto - Sunday 19th November 2017


The Moon is in Sagittarius today and we will take on a much more broad minded and expansive approach to things. There is an emotionally charged need to seek answers to our questions, and anything and anyone that helps us learn a little more will be welcomed into our lives. There is a friendly sociable air about this Sunday, optimistic and good hearted and a little devil may care too. If we have to break conventions and the rules to do what we need to do, then we won't mind upsetting someone to achieve the goal. 

The Moon through the day makes only one major aspect which is highly unusual, a mutable square to Neptune. As I have said in the past, this aspect is one where our emotions and motivations are warped and up in the air for a while. You may feel dreamy and unable to concentrate properly, you could find this flexible link up very compassionate and spiritual in nature, and your reaction may be to sacrifice your need on the altar of someone else. You could be utterly confused and undecided for a while which direction to go. If you are unsure of moving forward and making the right move, defer your actions until tomorrow when this aspect has passed. 

The big aspect of the day is the perfection of the Mars Pluto square that I have highlighted in the past few days. Mars in Libra has been shining a light on matters of justice, equality, relationships and our own selfish attitudes, and Pluto making this difficult angle has been undermining and transforming them at the same time. Sometimes life is not fair and occasionally outside influences beyond our control force our hands to accept a new truth or situation, because ultimately it's needed in our lives. I would suggest that in the past week, most of us would have had to face up to a situation that needed reform, and the last few days of this week will have seen the ending of one chapter, and the turning of the page to reveal a new one. This rather brutal and yet necessary challenge to the status quo that we had grown used to completes for now the cycle of new growth that we are enduring. After today, we will be that little bit more worldly wise, and able to better challenge that tests ahead that lie in wait for us. 

Venus aligns with the star Zuben Elgenubi today as it enters the scales of the constellation of Libra. This part of the sky puts an emphasis on social concerns and how we react to matters of fairness. Your moral values may be tested today, and you may have to give of your best without expecting much reward for your efforts. This is the Southern and less fortunate of the stars in the scales, and so financial matters are not so favoured, therefore it's not the day to try and look for a bargain. That opportunity will come to pass in the days ahead

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