16 November 2017

Oracle Of The Mermaids

Divine Sensuality, from the Oracle Of The Mermaids, by Lucy Cavendish

Divine Sensuality: “Making Love, Erotica”

The Mermaids Sing: “Yes, the mermaids are protectors and champions of sexuality and freedom, allure and power! To experience physical bliss is not a purely physical event – there is an intimate connection that connects people who make love, or kiss, or even just shake hands… who touch… and when we exchange this great intimacy with another, there is established between us a strong energetic connection. 

So it is wise to consider who we make love with, and when, and where, and very much why. But there is also an undercurrent in our culture that still sees love making, sensuality and the love of the pleasure of the body and the celebration and elevation of that pleasure to an art as something that is laden and twisted with guilt. The tainted sexual beliefs of the medieval era which led to a hatred of the body, of sexuality, and a demonization of women are still with us in some ways. Even the sexualization of our bodies undermines our ability to make love; to pleasure ourselves, and to enjoy this great pleasure and joy that has been gifted to us. The mermaid has come to be a symbol of the temptress, the woman who wishes to draw men and lovers to her – and in many ways, she is the symbol of danger. And so it is with our sensuality.

If you have drawn this card it is likely you are ready to explore and dive into your own physical expression of bliss: it may be through making love with a cared-for other, achieving greater intimacy in your relationships, or even experiencing blissful sensual moments while receiving a massage or dancing… but this card encourages you to reconnect with the love of your natural physicality, and to explore the pleasure your sensuality can bring to you, and to begin to understand and untangle any of the lingering cultural or personal guilt you may have about this. There are man beliefs many taboos too: that women who enjoy sexual feelings and evoke them in others are impure, courting danger, threatening to themselves and to other women, and dangerous to men. But the truth is, we all have a seductress within us, a mermaid-like being who dwells within our psyche and subconscious, who is able to show us how to pleasure ourselves and others, and how healing this sacred sensuality is and can be.”

If This Card Comes To You As Challenger: “There may be mistrust and even some hatred of the body, the mistrust and hatred of women, the mistrust and hatred of the sensual world. This is often expressed by choosing to believe that sex and people who love and enjoy sex, and keep it sacred, are only desiring to temp you – that they will not fulfill their promises. It may be some time since you experienced true physical intimacy with another, or with yourself, and it is an area of your life which is calling to be awakened… orgasm may be challenging to reach, and there can be sexual dysfunctions. Sex is not a sport, or a competitive game with only one outcome. It is about expression, and interweaving, and it is a journey into the soul of another via the body. If this can be understood, and if you are brave enough, this can be recreated within a relationship whose sexual spring has run dry, or a relationship can be created with another that is sensually and spiritual fulfilling. It is time to accept that there are so many ways to love. You may be judging another’s sexual preference and lifestyle, but you are beginning to discover that there are many ways in which love is expressed physically. Embrace the rainbow that is Love Manifest!”

“It is possible at this time that you are being judged by others for the sexual choices and mates you have chosen or may be about to choose. Please know that it is your birthright to choose freely who you give yourself to, and why – the exchange, whether this feels like it is a good choice for you, personally. It is time to put aside societal and even cultural and traditional norms and judgments about who we choose, and how we choose to enact sensuality. There is a boundary being broken through – as long as this is a free choice of your own, and one that brings you wisdom, health, joy and respect, it is not for others to make this choice. It is yours alone. Break through the fear!”


Breathing Deep, Entering into life, Exchange of life- bringing energies

You have the capacity to take nourishment and oxygen in far more deeply than you are allowing yourself at present. It is time to introduce the idea of breathing far, far more deeply, and of holding the breath so that you know you are safe....and travelling into areas where you have not been before. The ability to breathe deeply, and to swim underwater will encourage you to believe in your own courage and potential, and develop your lung capacity. Give yourself time in a place renowned for air that is pure, nourishing and exhilarating! Smells, scents, sounds, all carried on air enter into you...Drink in life@ Breathe deep, and fill yourself with the essence of life!


 Arrival, a journey ends, establishment, building, settled.

There is a time to explore, for adventure and uncertainty. There's a time to be a stranger, a foreigner, The one who doesn't come from that place. And then there is a time to go home. Home is not as so many of you have taught and thought, a heaven, It's not the space that exists after death, it is a place on this earth. Humans have several homes -It's a place on this earth, and it's the place where your blood comes from and the place of your birth. And it's a place where you'd swim to now, If you had the endurance of our friends the great blue whale

Find a place you can call home, settle somewhere for a time and make some commitments to the place you belong

There is wisdom in the homelands, there is part of you that belongs there, and part of you that needs to reconnect at a deep level. Traditions, or ancient practises, or simple things, like recipes, ways of doing day-to-day activities, will come to you now. Incorporate them in to your life, and there will be a deep sense of being Home, wherever you are, because all the parts of your own self are within you, acknowledged, known, and expressed in healthy ways. Find a place you can call home, settle somewhere for a time, and make some commitments to the place you belong. you are part of it, it is part of you, and you cannot separate from it, without separating from a part of your own soul, your own deep self.

Deck used here

Oracle of The Mermaids