18 November 2017

The Stork - Pixie Lenormand - Death Der Jen China Tarot

The Stork - Pixie Lenormand - Death Der Jen China Tarot
The Stork - Pixie Lenormand - Death Der Jen China Tarot

The Stork

The stork brings news, information,  letters, Stork is a migratory bird, it doesn't mean physical moving-relocation.
Stork Delivering A Baby
You can consider this as transition period, changes, mental - emotional changes, emotional growth, it's a sort of painful period you're emotional growing, your relationship is changing from scratch, this is a period of radical changes, Don't forget that Storks are associated with bringing babies..

Storks migrate twice a year, so you'll possibly get some good news by Spring.  (as we already passed the autumn period and their next migration period is the Spring April- May)

However Death Card reversed tells us that you are feeling down, drained, burned out.

It might be related to depression, lack of motivation, you need find something that will bring up your mood.

You might scared for your future

It also indicates an illness taking too long to recover.

It's not a good time for a change, so if you are planning to change job or starting a new relationship don't do it.
