
Tarot of The Sweet Twilight - Dreaming Way Lenormand | All About Paranormal } -->

Tarot of The Sweet Twilight - Dreaming Way Lenormand

Tarot of The Sweet Twilight - Dreaming Way Lenormand
Tarot of The Sweet Twilight - Dreaming Way Lenormand 
7 Wands 
7W tells us that for whatever you are doing, it's very competitive. Whether it's your job or your personal life, it's very competitive, you'll either win or lose. 
If you want to be on top, to beat your competitors in this competition, you need to get going. 

It's time to fear because your competitors are one step further than yourself. 

It's not time for being submissive, you need to act, and think for yourself.

If you are self employed it's time to work hard to reach your goals, you need to be determined and do your homework daily. You need to be more active on what you are doing. 

Except an increase on your income 

You should make your own territory and don't let anyone step into that.

If you're experiencing health problems you're probably over exaggerating and it's nothing serious, but not to get overly worried, think of it all the time, go to your gp ask for check up, if he doesn't agree go to another gp and ask, if they don't agree, insist, this will clear up your worries. 


I always considered dogs as a best friend of humans, they're loyal, they're loveable. 

It's time to get some support from your friends, the ones you trust that you see as a best friend. 

Lenormand dog also tells you to give a visit to your gp and to stop worrying about your health so much. 

Go out, make some new friends, interact with them, you'll never know who'll you meet, you may meet someone who can help you to improve your work, or help you with your work,

You might be reconciled with your long time friend or that person might have moved somewhere close to you. 

Dogs represent someone close to you, being loyal is good but it's also good, we might be loyal to our friends who goes against our conscience & morality, even in a situation like we stay loyal to our friends, we need to be careful who we're loyal to. 

Don't have helpers syndrome chose who you are friends to.