
Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro - Saturday 23rd December 2018 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro - Saturday 23rd December 2018

The Moon remains in Aquarius for most of today, and the quest to update our lives goes on. Saturn moving into a new sign has given us new impetus and the Moon in Aquarius has impelled many of us to go in a new direction. There is a feeling of revolution in the air, a turning of the page, a need to set things up for the new year just around the corner. There is a desire to connect with people, not just in the literal sense but to understand them and what they require, and you will strive to fulfil this obligation. 

The first action of the day doesn't involve the Moon, it involves Mercury, as a couple of hours into the day it turns direct after just after three weeks of retrograde motion. During most of December so far you will have been reviewing something in your life, and now is the time to get things rolling as the work of the last few weeks should have been completed. Now this could be a project, a business, a relationship that has been bubbling under the surface, a home project, some studies, a friendship or a collective effort. Whatever it may be, it's a great time to launch. 

The Moon during the day makes four sextile aspects, all of which are constructive and positive ones. The first quite early on is to Uranus, and this backs up what I mentioned earlier as we are needing move onwards in new directions. There will be a temptation to throw something different into the mix, be it a practical joke, an off the cuff comment or action. You may be in a mood to shake things up, but in a in nice way though. 

The next connections is to Venus, the planet of relationships and values, and through it we will be thoughtful and loving to those we really care about. This is an aspect of appreciating your family, and they may be in your thoughts now. Later on the the Moon makes a sextile to Saturn which is coming into a wide conjunction with Venus. This settles relationships down and adds some stability to them, and if you have been on edge emotionally in past few days, this sextile will be the start of a period of calming down moods, and becoming more trusting of those close to you. This aspect fortifies relationships and also your core values too, allowing you to feel a bit more at ease with yourself and with others. With the holidays just around the corner, it's just what we need. 

The Moon moves into Pisces late on in the day, and I will look at the effects of this tomorrow, however as it does It makes an immediate sextile to the Sun in Capricorn. This lovely connection will give us the feeling of being at one with ourselves, and happy in the knowledge that you have the support of family, friends and the one you love too.

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