03 December 2017

Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro - Monday 4th December 2017

The Moon begins today as yesterday in the sign of Gemini. Our minds will be racing at stresses and worries that the day before brought, and I guarantee you that something had been bothering you. Not only was there a full Moon squared to chaotic Neptune but Mercury stood still during Sunday and as we start the day it is now starting to reverse retrograde. A problem from the past or inherent from something undermining our position will have made itself aware to you. Now you have something extra to contend with. We will need all the powers of flexibility and adaptation now, and luckily the Gemini Moon affords this to us. 

Now early on the Moon makes an inconjunct to Pluto, and we realise that we have to adjust our position in the face of something powerful or immovable. Pluto will not be budged or shifted, and we must be the ones to adapt now. There are hurts to endure for sure and the Moon's square to Chiron exposes us to frailties and inadequacies that we have suffered since we were little. Life is an ongoing journey where the deficiencies of our soul is constantly tested, and the contacts to Chiron are a constant reminder of the lessons we should have learned in our formative years. 

Our quest is to change, and we can change. The Moon now enters into four more connections within a couple of hours, sextile to Uranus, trine to Mars (those two still opposite each other) and opposite to Saturn and the newly retrograde Mercury still adjusting to moving in the opposite direction. Together these planets form what we in Astrology circles call a “Mystic Rectangle”. The 5 planets here create a rectangle formed from two 60 degree aspects namely Uranus to Moon and Mars to Mercury/Saturn. There are also two 120 degree ones operating here, with Moon to Mars and Uranus to Mercury Saturn. 

These outside links forming the rectangle shape are all easy going connections, on on the outside we may seem relaxed, happy and in a good mood. These are progressive connections providing opportunities to move forwards and update our lives. That is all well and good, but inside the rectangle are two crossed oppositions, Mars to Uranus and as I mentioned earlier Moon to Mercury/Saturn. Beneath the surface are worries, stresses, challenges, things bothering us that we dare not let out to the world. Mars to Uranus is severe tension to buck the trend and do your own thing. Moon opposition to Mercury and Saturn show the emotional worries and responsibilities that we must take on our shoulders. 

There is a review process going on too within this complex multi planetary aspect. Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius now until 23rd December. If you know your Ascendant sign then Mercury Retrograde will affect you thus... 

Aries – A review of things you learnt, believe in, plan to publish, how you travel and deal with matters of culture and diversity, a review of legal proceedings and issues concerning your partner's brothers and sisters. 

Taurus – A review of things shared with your partner and with others, resetting debts and owed monies, how you deal with powerful people and controlling situations, investigating your sexuality and dealing with change. 

Gemini – A review of how you relate with others, a look at your marriage or love relationships, going over things you discussed with counsellors and advisors and learning how to combat those who oppose you. 

Cancer – A review of what you do at work everyday and the work that you are doing now, how you cope with workmates and bosses, a look at your health and how you can improve and look after it and dealing with people who do things for you professionally either in fixing things or providing social care. 

Leo – A review of your creative abilities and how you express your individuality, looking at how you show love to others, your partners and to children, plus learning how to deal with kids in general. Looking at your hobbies, sporting interests and free time activities. 

Virgo – A review of your home life and family relations and how you relate to your mother and women in general. You'll address issues concerned to your home and where you live, to house mates and landlords. Real estate matters will be looked at, matters from the past, your personal security and your roots. 

Libra – A review of how you communicate and express yourself, things you have written, agreements you made and documents you signed. Travel arrangements may be looked at, your vehicle, your neighbours and local community, education and what you learn, schools, brothers and sisters plus anything you advertise or promote. 

Scorpio – There will be a review of your business activities, you money flow, income and how you earn, how you spend and what you spend your money on, your possessions , what you need and what you don't, you'll assess your values and your personal self-worth. 

Sagittarius – You'll look at your image, your appearance and style and what you wear, your body and how you present yourself, what your general goals, your impact on other people and how you believe others relate to you. 

Capricorn – You'll assess your psychological urges, your hidden fears and things and people you believe are secretly working against you, your charity work and helping others, the sacrifices you are making and your spiritual beliefs. 

Aquarius – You'll be looking at your friendships and associations and how valid they are, the groups, associations and teams you are part of, your hopes, dreams, and political views. You'll assess how much love you receive and any project and activities where you receive cooperation and help. 

Pisces – You'll be looking at your career and job prospects, the work you carry out and how you relate to your boss and senior people in authority. You'll maybe deal with men in your life including your father and also assess how the public view you and how you deal with them. 

At the end of the day the Moon slips for a couple of hours into its home sign of Cancer and we can be safe with our family, friends and loved ones. We are in stressful times, and we will require home comforts of our own little circle of the ones we trust, and the support of our closest friends...

If you are interested in my Astrology, please come and visit my personal blog -
Solaris Astrology - Thanks...