10 December 2017

Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro - Monday 11th December 2017

The Moon starts off in the latter degrees of Virgo today and initially we are disciplined and slightly reserved. Even more so as the Moon is immediately making a tough square aspect to Saturn, the planet of limitation. Emotionally this is a difficult connection as it brings potential upset and moments of disappointment to our door, because at this minute you will be more touchy or sensitive than normal to anyone or anything that criticises you. As a result and in fear of this, initially today we may withdraw back into ourselves for a while. Amazingly this is the only aspect that the Moon will make of the whole 24 hours of this day. 

The Moon then enters the sign of Libra, a place of equality and justice. The Moon in this sign requires harmony and things to be in balance, and any shift of the scales one way or the other can get us acting to restore the situation back into equilibrium. The thing is that this Moon also does not want to get into a fight either because Libra is a sign of peace, therefore we refrain from doing what we should do, if we know we might get drawn into a conflict. We will naturally act as a mediator to calm down a situation if it starts to get out of hand to stop the emotional upset that it might cause us. There is a purity of energy from the Moon in Libra, as no other planets interfere during it's passage through the sign today, indeed there is a moment when the Moon will be totally unaspected. As such, the Moon is strong today dominating the other planets and the emotional need to keep things on a level may be pre-eminent. 

Mercury is connection with the fixed star Ras Alhague, the star in the head of the serpent holder in the constellation of Ophiuchus. This constellation is intrinsically connected to healing and medicine and this star follows this theme. Now through our words, thoughts and ideas we can help healing and take the heat out of any situation. I mentioned earlier on that if necessary you would be able to act as a peacemaker and this position will only help our cause if it is needed. In the outside world look for mediation and helpful diplomacy in a difficult situation to be a key theme as well as matters connected to health and the medical world.

I’ve just published my Horoscope Predictions for 2018 – if you are interested in them click the following link - 2018 Horoscopes - Your Year Ahead