24 December 2017

Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro - Monday 25th December 2017

The Moon is in Pisces all day this Christmas Day bringing a peaceful, imaginative yet slightly chaotic vibe that we can tap into. The Moon in Pisces is a pacifist and doesn't wish to enter into conflict, it is selfless and sensitive, tender and romantic, bit it can lead us to suffer too. We will want to be surrounded by music, films, and anything connected to fantasy and fiction. Pisces is rather vague and direction-less, and we will be more likely to thrive in an environment where there is little structure. Just don't make too many plans today, just go with the flow and you'll cope better. 

Early on, just around the time Santa is delivering his presents and we are in dreamland Moon forms a sextile to Pluto. For those of us us through the night, there will be a love of the unknown, the dark and slightly sinister side of life. We can use our instincts very well now, and your gut feelings will give you the gist of what is really going on without us being told. We crave intimacy now and have the need to be close to someone else we care about. 

As morning arrives Venus moves into the sign of Capricorn instantly making a conjunction with Saturn who moved into Capricorn. Venus moving into Capricorn cools our affections much more than they were in lively and outgoing Sagittarius in the lead up to Christmas Day. We will express love in a much more reserved way now, and we will crave attention and love to be shown to us, although we won't ask for it. This is a very loyal position and we will value tradition and the old fashioned ways of doing things. Venus conjunct to Saturn as I mentioned a couple of days ago will tend to settle down relationships or in more extreme circumstances it will cause disappointments within them, and there could be some upsets over what people value, or a lack of appreciation of your efforts may upset the atmosphere for you. 

The Moon has one last connection today before the day it through and that is a conjunction to Chiron, the planet of wounding and healing. We might have the that we are not doing enough for everyone and you'll be finding it a little difficult to let go and fully enjoy the day, or we may be hurt by something said or done and that may unsettle us a bit. Of course that may be mitigated by having a few drinks and letting go that way, but inside there may be some emotional pain that stays with you, a sort of unease that is ever present. The Moon then goes void of course for several hours into the 26th December and we can finally relax in the evening in the knowledge that even if there was some disruption earlier on, it is unlikely to last and a sense of calm will take over as the day finishes, probably what we need after a hectic Christmas celebrations.