25 December 2017

Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro - Tuesday 26th December 2017

Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro - Tuesday 26th December 2017

The Moon begins this day in the final degree of Pisces, crosses over into Aries, and a brand new cycle begins. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, a sign of new beginnings and it gives us a call to action.

The Moon begins this day in the final degree of Pisces, crosses over into Aries, and a brand new cycle begins. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, a sign of new beginnings and it gives us a call to action. The past lunar cycle included a very difficult Mercury retrograde, one of the most disruptive I can remember in a long time, and so this is a perfect moment to emotionally clear the decks, to brush off any cobwebs and to get to get cracking. In the UK where I live, the day after Christmas is traditionally a day of sport, and the Moon in Aries works perfectly for an active and competitive day ahead. There is a will to win, a sense that we will want to take on new challenges, so why not go out and do any activity that makes your heart beat bit faster? 

The Moon as it moves into Aries picks up on a triple square to a close conjunction of Sun, Venus and Saturn. The opening square of a lunar cycle often opens up fissures between our desires and our emotions, therefore conflicts and differences of opinion can be exposed. This Sun Moon square is augmented by Venus, the planet of relationships and values plus Saturn, the planet of limitation, so it is likely that what you want won't quite match what others around you desire. Maybe you will want to get out into the after Christmas sales and your partner has other plans, or you will want to go out whereas your partner wants a quieter day at home? Whatever the situation, I feel that someone limiting your choices may cause emotional friction within a relationship over a difference of values. It's almost like the competitive side will extend into our relationships too. One thing about Aries is that once a disagreement has happened, we hold no grudges and just get on with things, so any disruption will be short-lived. Overall, there will be a serious side to any interactions that we have over the next few days, almost as if the party is over and we must get back the matters in hand. 

The only other aspect that the Moon makes is a rather disruptive inconjunct to Mars late on in the evening. This connection may make us act in a slightly out of kilter fashion, as if our emotions are playing against what we are actually doing; in a way our actions may betray our emotions. Our reactions to situations may be quite sharp and brusque too, just when others don't expect it. This is not the easiest energy to deal with during the day and our patience, not the greatest with the Moon in Aries might be tested. Maybe best to keep active then, so that you don't have the energy or inclination to fight with loved ones late on.