26 December 2017

Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro – Wednesday 27th December 2017


The Moon remains in the sign of Aries and we just a little impatient and fiery in our emotional reactions. This a strong willed Moon wanting us to run before we can walk, and we will be eager to take charge of any situation that we come across. There will be a distinct desire to do things by ourselves today, as if others will get in our way if we allow them to intervene in our plans. As a result we may be just a bit selfish and self-important as the day progresses. 

The Moon begins this day in a closing trine to Mercury and this heightens our need to communicate and be informed about everything around us. We will be inquisitive, mentally alert and willing to offer our advice and suggestions if anyone asks something of us. You will love nothing better than a good old debate with the ease of communication of Mercury in Sagittarius combined with the spiky, sharp Moon in Aries. 

The Moon moves on to form an inconjunct to Jupiter and we might have to go back on what we are doing because of a slightly complacent attitude, or because we took things a little too far. We may have to retrace our steps, or make a swift apology for saying something or doing something out of turn. Following on, it forms a square to Pluto and we may get obsessed by a person, an idea or a concept. This could lead you into manipulating someone or a situation to get to the answers or result that you desire. All rational thought may fly out the window and you may push others out of the way, as you battle for some kind of control. 

The last aspect of the day comes as the Moon moves into a conjunction with Uranus. As the day ends we have a desire to do our own thing and to have some originality, to do something new, to innovate and to present a different vision. This is a conjunction of networking with others and wanting to be at one with those who have the same radical take on things as you have, therefore use the opportunity to connect, and to mobilise your friends, colleagues and followers to give you support. 

There is a planet star connection building today as Mars reaches the main star Acrux in the constellation of Crux, the Southern Cross. This is a materially focused star connected to pursuit wealth and material goods, and there is a link quite naturally to religion too. If you think about it, religion has often been a vehicle for amassing donations from those who believe, and thus the pursuit of faith is very similar to money pledged in devotion to other interests. As a result religious leaders may also go on the offensive today as they look to inspire their followers. Mars is close to expansive Jupiter as it hits this star so this brings a very assertive and risk taking attitude to being top dog and for earning as much as possible, achieving success in whichever way you can for your own material gain, and for holding on to power too. Over the next couple of days while this connection is active, those who have the power and the means will be relentless in making sure they keep what they have, and they will even resort to using threats, force or even the police or the military to back up their claims if they feel threatened.