08 December 2017

Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro - Saturday 9th December 2017

The Moon is is the sign of Virgo today and we are much less predisposed to make a song and dance of anything we do. Virgo is a much more modest sign than Leo ever could be, and we will go about our tasks quietly, efficiently and correctly. Virgo always likes to be of service and our natural tendency will be to offer our hand to anyone who needs some assistance. 

The Moon makes no aspect until the middle of the day and when it does it runs into a two planets forming a tense t-square, being square to Venus and opposite to Neptune. The square to Venus brings pressure to bare on relationships and everything we value, and the opposition to Neptune brings confusion and a lack of clarity. There may be many different manifestations of this planetary link-up.

Via a misunderstanding, not communicating properly or assuming that a partner understands a situation when actually they don't, tension can arise between yourself and someone else. Your sense of values can be skewed a bit today, you might find it difficult to work out what is a good deal, and what isn't. Neptune is related to chaos, and a diplomatic situation or a relationship may get totally out of hand. Using our imaginations, this square can fire them up and we may be able to create, especially through any medium that involves beauty, style, music or colour. 

There is just one other aspect that follows on from the last one, and this involved the Moon making an easy sextile to Jupiter, giving us an optimistic, generous and open feel to the end of the day. Yes, you may feel like socialising on this Saturday evening and letting go, and if you do you'll go for it fully, however if you are in a quieter mood there is a chance to learn something this evening, as Jupiter is the planet of wisdom, and the Moon brings need and desire. 

Now Mars enters a new sign today, as he shifts from Libra into Scorpio. Mars is strong in this sign as the red planet used to rule Scorpio before Pluto was discovered. It brings intensity of purpose in our actions, very much a decisive attitude and often one's motives can get buried and hidden, this is a very secretive combination, so hidden that you'd never be able to work out someone's true intentions. 

If you know your Ascendant sign, then Mars' transition into Scorpio will affect you in the following ways – note - if your ascendant is in the final degree of the sign it's in, read the next sign along i.e. if your Ascendant is at 28 degrees Leo then read Virgo instead. 

Aries Ascendant – This position activates you sex life, your desires will be immediate and passionate. You'll also actively look at you position in regards to debt, monies owed and joint finances. Together with a partner you can easily overspend. You'll be interested in the darker side of life such as detective stories and TV programmes, death and the unknown. 

Taurus Ascendant – This position stimulates your relationships and partnerships. You'll be very direct with your partner, and if you have a disagreement then at least it should be over and forgotten quickly. You can enjoy fun times together and life won't be boring. You'll engage with those who oppose you or advise you now. 

Gemini Ascendant – Mars is active in the routines, services, work and health angel of your chart. You'll be extra vigilant on the details of any situation and forthright with your daily job and with your work colleagues. This signifies being more assertive in looking after yourself, through exercise, diet and healing activities. 

Cancer Ascendant – Mars is stimulating the part of the chart linked to your individual talents. You'll be active doing hobbies, sports, and creative tasks. This is the house of love given and you'll be ardent in the bedroom and you'll want to go out and enjoy times with the one you love. Matters with children will be highlighted too. 

Leo Ascendant – Mars is affecting your home life and how you relate to your family. There may be a tense atmosphere at home if you consider yourself ahead of those you live with or women you encounter. A good time to get on with home projects and work. 

Virgo Ascendant – Mars will activate your need to communicate with passion and verve. Great for any debate and fighting your corner, it will help you advertise and market anything effectively. You'll need to go fast in any vehicle or travelling anywhere, and you'll get irritated if you get delayed. You may have dealings with neighbours and siblings. 

Libra Ascendant – This position stimulates your business sense and your need to earn money. You may be impulsive in spending your resources and you may waste money if you are too impatient to get something without checking out all of your options. This is a place where you'll be more materialistic than normal. 

Scorpio Ascendant – You'll be confident, impatient and you'll focus on yourself and your own actions. Beware of being to self-obsessed at the expense of others, being a little too selfish and acting before thinking. 

Sagittarius Ascendant – This position may frustrate as your individual efforts may be prevented or stopped in some manner. It may be wise either to concentrate your efforts at tasks that keep you behind the scenes, or beneficial to assist others instead of work on your own ideas. 

Capricorn Ascendant – This position aids working with others in joint efforts. You may be connecting with friends much more now, networking and enjoying team events and activities. You may be very active and vocal in support of your political views. 

Aquarius Ascendant – Mars here boosts you work and career drives and ambitions. You may be working very hard and putting all your efforts into your career. You are forthright and strong in pursuit of personal and public success. 

Pisces Ascendant – Mars is in the part of your chart connected to higher learning, beliefs and wisdom. Now you will actively want to increase your knowledge and staunchly fight for your faith. This is a part of the chart linked to travel and it's great for trips where you'll be active and wanting to explore. Try to avoid fighting to much in legal situations.

I’ve just published my Horoscope Predictions for 2018 – if you are interested in them click the following link - 2018 Horoscopes - Your Year Ahead