20 December 2017

Astrology of the Day by Solarisatro - 21st December 2017

The Moon begins in conservative and reserved Capricorn to start off today, but after only a couple of hours it moves into Aquarius for the rest of this winter Solstice day. The Moon in this sign needs to find independence and it's own way of doing things, and we will be enlivened by a spirit of rebelliousness and independence. This is an inclusive sign though and we will want to network with any friends, colleagues and contacts who can help you with whatever you're doing. 

In mid morning, the Moon moves into a tense square with Mars, and yes, this will give us a boost of energy and make us a bit impatient. It will also make us very irritable if anyone lets us down, slows us up, or interferes in what we are doing, and this may well happen as I will go on to explain. Keep yourself active or busy during the middle of the day to keep your mind off potential situations that may raise your anger level. 

Now at 15.27 GMT the Sun moves over from Sagittarius into Capricorn and no less than 5 hours later it makes a conjunction with Saturn which itself moved across in it's own home sign just yesterday. That crossing over into Capricorn signals the Winter Solstice point and we have reached the shortest day of the year in the Northern hemisphere, and the longest in the Southern hemisphere. The conjunction to Saturn gives us a responsible and conscientious attitude not only for the for the next day or so but the next three months, and we won't be as outgoing as we normally would be this coming winter. I wouldn't mind betting that the coming season will be an exceptionally harsh cold one in the Northern Hemisphere, as Saturn being so close to the Solstice point colours the coming season with a really tough and dour hue – things conspire not to be easy and will in the main hold us up, and this includes adverse or harsh weather. Today and in the next few days everything you may be doing will be taking longer to complete than normal, life will be a chore and this might play on our nerves, especially because of the Moon square to Mars connection. If you are in a hurry, you'll likely to be held up at some point, so be prepared for it. 

On this day Venus starts to make contact with the star Aculeus in the constellation of Scorpio. This is a star in the sting of the Scorpion linked to attacks of all kinds, verbal ones and physical ones, and we may be on the end of someone who is harsh in their actions or words towards us, and in the process upsets a relationship. We may be caught up in a conflict of interests or our values may be questioned by someone else. Venus is a social influence, and matter of social care could be put under the spotlight during today, as may be the attitude to spending too much, or giving away too little to those who need it. I sense that government spending plans, and how they are dealing with finances could be matters of concern to the population at large. Diplomacy and relations between countries may also be soured by stinging acts, words or criticisms on this dark winter's day.

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