
Astrology of the Day – Mercury conjunct Venus – Friday 15th December 2017 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day – Mercury conjunct Venus – Friday 15th December 2017

The Moon has its second day in Scorpio and we will be emotionally involved in whatever we are trying to do. You'll throw yourself in fully, and on the outside no-one will be in any doubt that you mean business. We may show a sense that we are in control and know what we are doing but the Moon in Scorpio tends to hide our real emotions beneath the surface, and we may leave our true intentions hidden away. 

The Moon initially in the morning starts to form a sextile to Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio. There is a need to delve beneath the surface now and investigate whatever is going on, there is a sleuth like intensity that this sextile has that will find the answer in any situation, come what may. If we do get the answer we want we will feel good about ourselves, but if not, we will keep on digging until we do. There is steely determination here, to find answers, and a need to be in control. 

Later on in the day the Moon forms a simultaneous trine to Chiron and an inconjunct to Uranus and a sudden turnaround in a situation can actually help us solve an issue that may have been bothering us for some time. The Moon conjunct to Uranus can bring about unpredictable emotional reactions that may confound or shock others, and a rather icy cold response that might be taken by them to mean that you don't care about a situation, whereas actually you will do. The trine to Chiron is much warmer and soothing though, and through this aspect we can find the correct responses to indicate that we do actually sympathise and have solutions to hand. 

Throughout the day Mercury moving retrograde makes a conjunction with Venus in Sagittarius. If you want to get your message out to people today, this is the aspect to do it under. Venus in Sagittarius is socially expansive and Mercury in combination with Venus allows us to get our message in a pleasing manner to as wide an audience as possible, perfect if you want to advertise something. We can be diplomatic and find the right words for the situation that we find ourselves in, and there may be a flair for expressing ourselves in a confident and optimistic way. There is an appreciation of beauty and design in this combination, and this is a natural link up to create via clever and thoughtful language, and colourful artistic means. As Mercury is retrograde we may rely on projects and things we created in the past, or we may go back to finish something that was never completed first time around.

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