
Astrology of the Day – Moon in Cancer – Monday 1st January 2018 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day – Moon in Cancer – Monday 1st January 2018

The Crab - The Sign of Cancer
The Moon starts this, the first day of 2018, in the sign of Gemini again void of course for a few a hours. As we are in the opening moments of this day, our thoughts will be on connecting with all our friends and wishing them the best for the coming year, and this Moon helps us to do that. It is a Moon determined to chat and communicate and it will keep our minds active until we finally crash out.

In the morning, the scenery changes and the Moon enters it's home sign of Cancer, a sign of family, security and protection. Now our need is to keep those we love close, and to carry out those daily acts of kindness that we know that our nearest and dearest will love. We are very tied to the moods around us now, and we may pick up on emotional signals from others much more readily, thus we could be more prone to fluctuating feelings, from of ones of joy and happiness to moments of irritation and sadness, depending on the environment we find ourselves in. 

On entering Cancer, the Moon makes an opposition to Saturn and immediately the responsibilities that we know we must do will fall upon our shoulders. This is an emotionally reserved aspect and we will be determined to do the right thing, to be organised and to administrate our lives in the right way. We may come under some pressure today from someone who is demanding, maybe someone older or wiser than you are. 

Saturn and Venus are still in a wide but diverging conjunction as we enter 2018 and the Moon later on makes another opposition this time to Venus. Late on we may be very sensitive to what our partner or friends say and do, and we may find that we disagree with some of their ideas or suggestions. Venus in Capricorn is not very outgoing itself and doesn't want to be shown a lot of attention, and yet the Moon in Cancer is very clingy and touchy feely, and this conflict may play out that you want to show love, but your partner will tend to back away a little. Don't worry as this is just a passing phase. 

Mars this day is moving onto the fixed star Zuben Elgenubi, the less fortunate star making up the Southern Scale in Libra. This will tend to frustrate us a bit, as our actions may not find favour with others over the next day or so. It's almost like whatever you do, something will prevent you from really succeeding, you won't quite get the results that you desire. If you are making new year's resolutions, then this may be a signal that you may not quite fulfil your ambitions of giving up smoking, or doing more exercise and sport. This is a star of volunteering and working for the benefit of others without making a profit yourself, so why not give up your time to your community of for those who would appreciate a visit in the new year, like an elderly neighbour who may not have been able to celebrate our passage into 2018? It's a good thing to do, and you'll feel satisfied in yourself that you've made a worthy start to the new year.