18 December 2017

Astrology of the Day – Moon in Capricorn – Tuesday 19th December 2017

The Moon is in serious Capricorn today and that means that we are in a mood to get on with things and not mess about. We will be serious about our responsibilities and understanding that nothing can ever be achieved unless you put your nose to the grindstone and do some hard work. This Moon gives us patience and determination, and the ability to structure our day effectively. 

At the start of the day it is all systems go and the Moon makes the first of three opportunistic sextile aspects to Mars, the planet of action. Now our needs are to make a fast start and to start making good progress, and you will attack each job and task that you have with enthusiasm and a will to succeed. The Moon linked with Mars wants to do well and to show it's worth and this energy will translate into us so that we can make a difference during this morning. 

The second and third connections come along quite quickly in the middle of the day as the Moon initially forms a sextile to Neptune and then soon afterwards another one to Jupiter. These two bodies are linked as Jupiter ruled the sign of Pisces before Neptune was discovered, so they are effectively joined at the hip, and have quite similar effects. Both are idealistic planets, both are connected to faith and spirituality and both have outreach, and by that I mean that they expand the possibilities. With Neptune the way the soul and mind expands out to infinity and beyond exceeds the more earthly expansion that Jupiter achieves, nevertheless we can dream big and use our imaginations and gut feelings to get a read on the kind of direction that we should be going. The danger with all Neptune and Jupiter connections is to believe our own hype and to get fooled into thinking that we are truly invincible, however the Moon in Capricorn should keep us grounded enough to counteract these tendencies. 

There are a couple of fixed star aspects at work today. Venus is linked up to the star Ras Alhague in the constellation of Ophiuchus, a star I mentioned about a week ago when Mercury as passing over it. I explained then that this is a constellation and star linked to healing health and medical services, and Venus the planet of values brings up the issues of social care, health funding and our personal values to looking after those who are vulnerable or less well off in our communities. There is also a connection to teaching too, and we may find matters linked to education are highlighted today, as well as relationships that need healing because of a breakdown in communications. 

The second star planet link sees Jupiter starting to move through the scales of the constellation of Libra in the sky. The North and South Scale stars sit like two sentries on guard in the night's sky, and all the planets must pass through them at some point on their journey around the zodiac. In mythology these stars are linked to the Symplegades, the clashing rocks through which Jason on the Argo had to sail. The Bosphoros straight splitting Turkey between Asia and Europe has two forts either side of the main suspension bridge, and these have always been likened to the rocks in the ancient stories. Jupiter now links up with Zuben Elgenubi, the southern or less fortunate of the Libran Scales. This star does not bring a lot of fortune, and Jupiter moving through here will likely see legal issues not going to plan, faith and religious people and situations may be seen in a bad light, matters connected to diversity, race, culture and international relations may be soured, and risks that are taken and expansion plans set in motion may not pay off as one would wish. There could be a push in the next few days for wider humanitarian action to assist a region or peoples in trouble.

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