The Moon starts off with a square to Neptune and this aspect leads us to escape any woes and troubles that we do have through whichever means we have at our disposal. We may can dream the most incredible fantastic dreams and our imaginations can be propelled into outer space, but be careful that you you don't deceive yourself into an unreality that leads you to take on something that is out of your depth. Remember that you are incredibly vulnerable at this minute, and your openness and potential naivety could lead you into a trap either of someone else's making, or one that you create for yourself.
The Moon leaves the square to Neptune and enters into a run though the planets I mentioned in Sagittarius, that will extend into tomorrow's New Moon. First up is a conjunction to Mercury and we have emotion to talk, a lot. Everything we will say will be considered as Mercury is moving retro, but it won't shut us up!! Once we have stopped talking, this connection is great at listening too and getting others to open up about anything on their mind. The conversation or debate if you like could go on for some time.
The Moon then forms a conjunction with Venus. This is a beautiful, sympathetic and compassionate link, and again we will be drawn to be with people we love, be it our partner, family, children or best friends. This is a Sunday to get together, to swap stories and to exchange information, something we should do more in this impersonal age of the internet and social media which hides us behind a keyboard more and more. Make a difference and get in touch with your nearest and dearest, as now is no better time to do so.
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