11 January 2018

Unity - Tobaria of The Waters -The Faeries Oracle

Unity-Tobaria of The Waters-The Faeries Oracle
 Unity- Tobaria of The Waters-The Faeries Oracle-Brian Froud 


Unity comes first and last, In between we have the illusion of duality, which we believe for a long time.  

This apparent duality is ultimately shown to be an illusion, but it's an illusion through which we must pass through which we learn and grow and then once again return to Unity

You may have had mystical experiences where you have had true union with other beings or even with the unity, THE ONE WHO'S ALL , such experiences change our lives, effectively showing us that the saying, We are  all one, is just not a pious belief, but a statement of actual fact.

We are not separate like flowers in a field but are one. The only way to reach this awareness is to surrender the small everyday self to the larger spiritual self which is UNITY. 

Experiencing the full oneness with the unity is transformative.
Unity is the energy of the cosmos still unmanifest, still without form. Here We see the dark and the light.  Masculine & Feminine, Active and Passive and other polarities, all expressed in balanced energy, a vibrant union. All That IS is one and one is god/ess is the principle expressed.
From this all else derives, this is the source from which we draw our strength & our well being.
To achieve our goals we need active cooperation with others and to get that cooperation, we must be helpful to them and willing to work with their ideas.
We have so much to gain from the wholeness.  

Tobaria of The Waters

Close your eyes for a moment, and let yourself feel the cold sparkling fairy waters, flowing through your fingers, imagine drinking this sparkling coolness from your cupped hands and imagine water flowing down your throat.

You may even be able to feel that magical energy filled coolness flow right through you to your toes. 

Hope you are feeling better now

Throughout the world there are healing wells both general & specific ailments.

In modern times, many of their faery have been diluted, even though Tobaria & her healing helpers do all that they can do to keep them clear and potent. 

Faery waters reflects emotional state of humans around them

So the faery waters that come through our world have lessened in purity and power in places where people are living especially stressful civilized lifes. 

There are profound connection with drinking waters, tears,  wells of forgiveness,water as the fluid of transforming nutrients in the body, connecting flow.  I could flow on and on but I'll stop.

However the many healing fairies who help Tobaria do the best they can under the circumstances to purify the waters and they try to maintain their own mery spirits to give added power to the waters. 

We can help the fairies by creating more merriment in their lives of others and in our own lives.

In addition to the healing wells, there are wells and springs that bestow wisdom or skill to the drinker, like famous Hippocrene fountain on Mount Helicon, which bestows poetic inspiration.  I suspect it of being a faery fountain because of the way it looks.  

Water is mutable, changeable fluid so Tobaria speaks to us of a particular kind of change . Change of emotions and possibly a change in health. We have important choices to make about how we meet those changes and where we let them take us, toward the calm, flowing purity of the faery waters or the boiling cauldron of the hot temper and steamy emotions. 

The choice is obvious but we sometimes forget that we have it. 

Tobaria reminds us that we do have a choice, wisely or unwisely it determines our future. 

We need nurturing and love and it's ultimately up to us to provide that for ourselves. 

The healing fairies will help us, if we ask them to..

*hippocrene: used to refer to poetic or literary inspiration.