
Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro - Tuesday 2nd January 2018 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day by Solarisastro - Tuesday 2nd January 2018

The Moon is in the warm homespun sign of Cancer today, and we are drawn to things we know, our family, our roots, our heritage and our nation. This is a sign of the home and whether it's entertaining friends at home, cleaning up after the New Year's celebrations, spending time at home with loved ones on the sofa watching a good movie, or cooking a meal (Cancer loves food), we will want that love of familiarity around us. 

This is a most remarkable day. We begin the day moving straight into a Full Moon in Cancer. I have already looked at this from many angles in my post a few days ago, but just to paraphrase, it highlights our home life as against what we do in public and our work life and our personal security as opposed to our responsibilities, and makes us think how we can make best use of the situations that we are in. As I explained there is a risk taking attitude linked to this Full Moon, one of adventure and setting off on a journey, but one associated with pitfalls if you haven't done your homework on where you are planning to go, and packed the right things accordingly. 

After the Full Moon culminates, it goes on to make three consecutive trine aspects, firstly to Mars, then to Neptune then to Jupiter. Here comes the adventure bit. The Moon trine to Mars is a signal to go, go, go!! This is a lovely energetic, enthusiastic connection, wanting to make progress, there's a will to win, ambition and high hopes. There is deep desire to do well with Mars in Scorpio, and a can do attitude from the Moon in cardinal Cancer. Next up is the trine to Neptune. This is spiritual, emotionally healing energy. There is a flood of emotion here, as if you are bursting into tears at the prospect of leaving ones we love behind, as we set off on this adventure. We may be making a sacrifice now, but it is a necessary one to make. 

Finally in this string of aspects completing a grand water trine is the link to Jupiter. Here is a need to learn, to travel long distance, to experience new ideas and culture. The need to stretch yourself to the limit (Jupiter in Scorpio) or go deeper into your reserves than ever before. We desire challenging experiences now, ones that will push and test us. 

Following on from this triple trine, the Moon makes an opposition to Pluto. Here is a need for transformation, to control of our own destiny, the need to survive. We have to survive!! Pluto is in Capricorn and so is Saturn now too, so we need to adjust the way we organise things, administrate our lives and others, the way we work, change our ambitions, our attitudes to authority or to senior people. We have to transform our attitude to responsibility too, and to simplify our lives. Things have got too complicated and they need to be paired down. This opposition comes minutes before the most important event of this remarkable day, as Uranus stations direct. 

At this moment 14.42 GMT all the planets will be moving direct. Uranus turning gives us a signal that we must move forward, change direction, seek a new path. All the energy is travelling forwards and I urge you to do the same by seizing the moment. Whatever is blocking you, remove it. Either go a different direction, bypass the problem, eliminate it, do whatever you can to get moving forwards. Trust me you will not regret it. The planets are now all direct for over two moths, and I cannot remember a longer period when they were doing this. 

After Uranus turns, the Moon makes an inconjunct aspect to Mercury and we may have to adjust our thoughts and our ideas. What you say or communicate may not get the response you were expecting from others. The theme of doing things for yourself and in a different manner continues as late in the day the Moon makes the first aspect to the newly direct Uranus, a square. Think logically and innovate. If you don't do it, someone else may encourage you to do so. Unusual things can happen now, tensions may be on edge a bit, as the unexpected behaviour from someone else, or an unforeseen situation, causes disruption for you. At the same time, the Moon forms it's last aspect to Chiron. A lot of healing will have gone on today. Maybe through being forced to consider new options or through encouragement. Either way we can start to put the problems of the past behind us. Be a maverick, calculate the best way to get your life on track, and go for it!! In your heart you know that it's now, or never...