25 January 2018

Astrology of the Day – Mars into Sagittarius - Friday 26th January 2018

Astrology of the Day – Mars into Sagittarius
Moon opposite Mars - Changing Channels

The Moon is in Taurus at the outset of Friday and there is a need to touch and feel and get back to nature that resonates with us all during this transit. This is a sign of making and building, of growing and cultivating and Taurus is known for the patience required to see anything through until the harvest when the fruits of your labour and hard work can be accrued. We will have tolerance for at least part of this day. 

The Moon makes a trine to Pluto and there is intrigue this morning, and we may want to be challenged to test ourselves out. There is a love of solving problems, getting to a definite answer now and finding the truth of a situation. Pluto and Mercury are in a conjunction at the moment and the Moon goes on very quickly a trine to it too. There is a compulsion or even an obsession to chat and communicate now, and in a very deep and powerful manner. This is the aspect of high level powerful discussions, debate, agreements and speeches about high finance and big business, and it is very appropriate the the world leaders are now in Davos, Switzerland. In our own lives, we can investigate and interrogate others get to the heart of any matter. 

A bit later on the Moon makes a sextile to Chiron, and this is a lovely little healing aspect that can teach us to be a little more outgoing and confident. Following on from this Mars leaves Scorpio and enters the outgoing sign of Sagittarius. Mars in this sign can be a little boisterous and can ride roughshod over other weaker souls. This position is very outgoing and fun, but Mars in sign can encourage us to take up too much or have too many irons in the fire, and then not have the desire to finish the job; in short it promises more than it can deliver. There isn't a lot of patience here and we won't like hanging around. The world is going to be in a hurry now for the next month, and things may get get out of control for a while. 

The Moon moves into Gemini just after Mars changes signs, and then makes an instant opposition to the red planet. Here is irritation, changing moods, and potential anger if we are questioned or doubted. There may be an impulsive verbal reaction to anything that annoys us. To avoid this, keep your mind busy on other things, so why not read a good book, watch TV or a film, find out information on something or surf the web, or all of the above. This is the ultimate channel hopping aspect where you lose patience with something almost as quickly as you begin. There is a hectic end to the day, and I hope you can keep yourself occupied enough until we eventually run out of steam.