10 January 2018

Astrology of the Day – Mercury in Capricorn - Thursday 11th January 2018

Astrology of the Day –  Mercury in Capricorn - Thursday 11th January 2018
Mercury - Now in Capricorn

The Moon stays in the sign of Scorpio all day again today, and the same intensity of purpose that we had yesterday stays with us today. The Scorpio Moon is deeply emotional and it makes us totally committed to anything that we are doing or interested in. There is also a loyalty to this sign and we will stick by those who support us through thick and thin. 

Now the first act of the day sees Mercury switching signs into Capricorn. This affects the way we think and communicate and organisation will now be important to us. We also won't be as free and easy with our language now which will tend to take on a more serious tone. We will be more business like too in our dealings with people, taking on an air of authority about us. 

The Moon initially makes a conjunction with Jupiter, an optimistic and jovial aspect that will see us being generous with praise and also being very forgiving to anyone who does us wrong. The Moon then forms a sextile to Pluto, a conjunction to Mars, a sextile to the Sun and another one to Venus, all in quick succession. There is plenty of enthusiasm for that which we do, and a desire to own our work. We won't want others to interfere in our creations and plans today, and we will be protective and just a little coy about our intentions. Our relations with those we love will be warm, caring and exciting too; these are aspects where our love lives can veer between warm and loving, to explosive and passionate. 

Later on in the evening the Moon connects with Uranus and Chiron still in tandem and slowly but surely updating our lives through dealing with issues that hark back to our childhoods. The trine to Chiron and the inconjunct to Uranus allow us to heal through continuing to make little adjustments as well as cutting unnecessary things and people from our lives.