24 January 2018

Astrology of the Day – Mercury sextile Jupiter - Thursday 25th January 2018

Mercury sextile Jupiter
Connect the World - Mercury sextile Jupiter

The Moon is in calm and composed Taurus today and we will be happy to see everything as it is and we have known it to be. This is a sign that loves things to stay the same, it moves at it's own pace, unhurried, slowly, securely and in a measured way. The Moon in Taurus loves a bit of comfort and luxury too and it will work hard to achieve these aims, and we will do our bit to make sure that these needs are met. There is a good work ethic here today, and a sense that it's good to get back to basics, and to what we know. 

The Moon early on makes a square to Venus, the ruler of Taurus which the Moon is in, and we will find that our feelings and emotions will be at crossed purposes with our values and how we relate to others. We may feel rather insecure today, and that inherent need for security and stability might play on our minds. Do we relate with or connect with others because we need to keep that security that we are craving, or do we compromise our vales to assure things remain the same? This square could see us going against what we want, or worse it could see us being vulnerable to being taken advantage of. We may unsettle others because we want affection and love a bit too much as well. 

A bit later on there is another sextile between the Moon and Neptune, a lovely compassionate and kind aspect that sees our emotions turned towards showing a higher kind of love, through giving our time and considerations to those who need it. We will sense what is the right course of action now through tapping into our feelings and using our intuition. This a caring family link, and you may be wanting to nurture and to do what you can for your loved ones around you through little thoughtful actions. 

Mercury late on makes a sextile to Jupiter and we will be generous with our thoughts and our deeds, and we may chat or gossip incessantly. There is a tendency to want to connect with those far away today, and friends who live in other countries may contact you, or you may have a need to contact with them. There may also be desire to get your message out far and wide and global visions may be expressed. It's a time when a message may go around the world, and something said or quoted may touch many peoples. The old problem with this aspect is keeping a hold on the smaller details, and generalisation may be something that we may be accused of. 

There is one star planet connection today, and this sees Mars in connection with the star Toliman in the constellation of Centaurus, the Centaur. The Centaur in mythology suffered a fatal wound, and was unable to save himself even though he was a healer. This star takes on the story of wounding, healing and teaching and Mars linked up with it may suggest actions being taken that causes a wound or a fissure that needs healing or education to fix. I can imagine incidents to do with the police and emergency services, the military, sport, engineering or sex scandals to be in the news, and for lessons to be learned and new measures to be called for called for to solve difficult issues linked to these areas of life in relation to events that come to light today...