27 January 2018

Astrology of the Day – Mercury square Uranus - Sunday 28th January 2018

Astrology of the Day – Mercury square Uranus - Sunday 28th January 2018
Mercury square Uranus - Communications through Technology

The Moon is again in Gemini as we begin the day, and it will be here in this sign until evening. Emotionally we are very cool and much more attuned anything where our minds can be stimulated. If there is an issue, then we will much prefer to talk things through rather than trying to act first. We will love the conversation and the debate, but we will also be restless, and if anything annoys us we may bite back more sharply than is normally the case. 

Very appropriately for sign that is always on the go, this is a very busy day, and there will be many aspects to get through. To start off with the Moon forms two inconjunct aspects to Pluto and then to Jupiter, and as these two planets are in a sextile, the Moon forms the point of a transiting Yod, or finger of God aspect. We will now be emotionally receptive to and we may be able to embrace fundamental changes that can expand our lives. The sense that is a day of shifting expectations continues as Mercury now forms a square to Uranus. This is an aspect of networking with the wider community as well as providing a spark of inspiration if we wish to use the energy on offer. We can shock with our insights and our language now, and there is a progressive feel to this moment that excites us, but also makes us impatient too. 

The Moon then makes a connection to both these planets, a sextile to Uranus and another inconjunct aspect to Mercury. The channels are truly open now and we are impelled to connect with others. There may be a focus on technology, computers, social media, science, space and the universe. We will want to find out information, our minds will be truly alive and stimulated by need to find out more. 

Mercury and the Moon are moving in tandem now, and they both make aspects to the maverick influence Chiron next, Mercury a sextile and the Moon a square. Chiron asks us to find ingenious solutions to long standing hurtful problems, and through a combination of our thoughts, ideas and emotional responses, maybe we can? 

The Moon now moves on and shifts into her home sign of Cancer before making a slightly awkward inconjunct aspect to Mars. At the lunar change of signs at the moment, we are being asked to act or react, and this contact may force us to readjust our attitudes. Through actions aimed against us, we may be emotionally hurt as Mars in Sagittarius is notoriously blunt and less than subtle, and the Moon in Cancer is very sensitive and easily upset. There could be a rather difficult end to an otherwise inspirational day.