21 January 2018

Astrology of the Day – Moon in Aries - Monday 22nd January 2018

Astrology of the Day – Moon in Aries - Monday 22nd January 2018
Full speed ahead - Moon in Aries

The Moon starts of it's journey today in the final degrees of Pisces and before it ends this particular cycle and begins a new one around the wheel, it has one last aspect to make and that is a trine to Mars in Scorpio. This is watery energy and yet with Mars involved there is force and speed. This is like the rapids of the river, swirling, churning with dangerous rocks underneath the surface that we cannot see. This trine brings much emotion to succeed and we will do in our power to be pre-eminent while trying to avoid the pitfalls in our way. 

The Moon then moves forward crossing into the sign that Mars rules, Aries. The Moon in Aries sees a straighter path now, a wide road stretching in front of us and now we can put our feet on the gas. We will feel good now, energetic and alive and and the sextile to the Sun that we encounter sees our emotions and energies going in the same direction. There is a need to power ahead, and prioritise our needs ahead of others. 

Now in the distance looming ahead there is a road block that we will have to deal with and this is in the form of a square to the Moon by Saturn. There will be disappointment in the air now as we are ushered to slow down or maybe forced to stop completely. We may be criticised for going too fast or for breaking the rules of the road. This square is never easy to deal with and it brings a hit to our confidence, as we doubt ourselves for a short while. This is followed by an easier sextile from the Moon to Venus which is sympathetic and considerate. We can continue on our way now after making our excuses and using diplomacy and charm to cool any situation down. 

The planet Mercury makes a conjunction to the star Rukbat in the constellation of Sagittarius today, a star of stability and holding firm after the rather dubious energy of Mercury conjunct Vega yesterday. We will be more structured in the way we plan and think, and this is a great connection for striking solid business deals, with the proviso that we may get rather set in our ways and not be innovative enough. In the world around us there may be news on big corporations, large finances and important and settled agreements can be made, and this may signal that an deal can be reached in the US to get Government going again.