
Astrology of the Day – Moon in Aries - Tuesday 23rd January 2018 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day – Moon in Aries - Tuesday 23rd January 2018

Moon in Aries - Tuesday 23rd January 2018
Seeking a thrill

The Moon is in the active and forward thinking sign of Aries and our need today is to advance our position and achieve our aims with a minimum of fuss as quickly as is possible. We will be very direct in dealing with other people, and anyone who makes excuses or can't deliver what they say they will may encounter our displeasure. The Moon in Aries wants success and it will give us desire to do our best in any situation that we find ourselves in. There is a sense of adventure with the moon in Aries, and this will be borne out later in the day. 

For the first half of today the Moon makes no aspect whatsoever, and it's only until we reach the afternoon that it connects with one of the other planets. The first of these is a square to Mercury. Now we have a bit of a quandary as what we think and what we feel are at odds with each other, and this may lead to us prevaricating or holding on to to see which of the two, our head or heart or heart wins out. What we will want to do is dig down in to the details of any situation to find out the real reasons of what is going on, and the square to Pluto that follows the square to Mercury will allow us to do just that. We can make a powerful impression on others at this moment through the force of argument that we put forward as well as our in-depth knowledge. The Mercury Pluto conjunction that is forming in Capricorn is highly organised and very persuasive and either we will be able to take advantage of this energy, or we will be on the receiving end of it. 

There is one more aspect coming late in the day and this sees the Aries Moon making a rather interesting inconjunct aspect to Jupiter. As you will have gathered, the Moon is in rather a hurry in Aries, and the adjusting inconjunct to Jupiter in Scorpio may see us want to try and take the most insane risks, just for the sheer emotional thrill of it all. There is a bit of a death risk culture going on here, and not much rational thought as we act first and worry about the consequences later. If things go wrong, then we'll deal with having to adjust to the situation as and when is needed, but the initial thrill is what is most important here as these two influences collide. We also may take a few liberties with our own security and in regards to our families too, and this could see us having to make amends if our actions are seen unfavourably by those close to us.