
Astrology of the Day – Moon in Leo – Thursday 4th January 2018 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day – Moon in Leo – Thursday 4th January 2018

Moon in Leo - A 24 hour drama

My this is a busy day. The Moon begins in dramatic Leo and we have a need to be the star of the show, to be treated like a a hero, a king or a queen. This is dramatic energy, proud energy and emotion on display and we will be like an actor, out front and centre. This will also be a day when our pride will be everything, and we will be willing to defend it.

Lots happening today, so lets get cracking. The Moon makes three inconjunct aspects to begin the day, to Neptune, to Venus and the Sun. We are off balance, maybe a little perplexed and confused, relationships may be strained and we will be adjusting to new situations that unsettled us linked to to a partnership or friendship. We may need to sacrifice ourselves, we may be suffering in some manner or our values may be tested and we might have to adjust them. 

The Moon then makes contact to the North Node, and for a brief moment, we are drawn to think about our destiny, our role in the future, what direction are we travelling in and is it the right one? Square to the Nodes are Mars and Jupiter and the Moon in squaring these planets too gives us impetus to act on our desires and to take a chance. As I said in my other post today on Facebook, this is a combination of intense adventure and the desire to move forward. Here is the action hero called in to play a leading role. 

The Moon forms an inconjunct to Pluto next, and a we think about changes we must make or maybe we are forced change tack through someone who is more powerful or influential than we are. There are still three more aspects to go, as the Moon makes a trine to Mercury and another to Uranus. These are connections of communicating, networking, innovating, being sceptical, progressive and quick witted. Our brains are alive now, with ideas and thoughts, clever solutions perhaps? Finally the Moon makes an inconjunct aspect to Chiron, and we have to learn a lesson, suffer a disappointment or take a difficult situation on the chin. This my friends is a very fast moving day and one because of the Leo Moon that may be as akin to a TV drama. The script is set, and it's time to perform.