
Astrology of the Day – Moon in Libra - Sunday 7th January 2018 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day – Moon in Libra - Sunday 7th January 2018

Astrology of the Day – Moon in Libra - Sunday 7th January 2018
Moon in Libra - Fairness In Relationships

The Moon starts in the last few degrees of Virgo, and it's like everything comes together in the first few hours of this day. Immediately we have the Mars Jupiter conjunction now exact as we cross over into Sunday, truly a conjunction of fire and fury, and Mercury also makes an exact trine to Uranus at the same time. You can feel the crackle of messages and news, excitement and gossip, action and unexpected events circulating around the world far and wide. 

There is a true feeling of networking and the need to communicate in the first few hours of this day with the Moon joining into to this picture as it makes a square to Mercury, an inconjunct aspect to Uranus and an opposition to Chiron, therefore words sent or messages delivered may be ones that bring about a curt responses, changes of plans and hurtful replies. There is scepticism in the air, an interest in past events and wounds are opening up because of information that is being made publicly available. 

All this occurs before the Moon moves over into the sign of Libra, and we try and return sense of balance and equilibrium to our lives. The Moon in Libra wants to relate and see the other side of the story, to try and work out the motivations of others. We also want justice and fairness, now and in the next couple of days. The Moon immediately runs into another difficult aspect, a square to Saturn. We may be challenged by someone of seniority now, or be faced with responsibilities that we have to take on our shoulders. There is a serious feeling to the end of the day as our emotions are held back, and relations that we have with others are put under some stresses and strains. 

There are two star connections today that we should also be aware of. Firstly Venus starts to come into contact with the star Rukbat in the constellation of Sagittarius. This star of stability and strength (Rukbat literally means knee) locks us in place, and allows us to a solid base to carry out all of our tasks and plans. With Venus the planet of values, love and relationships conjunct to this star, we can find some strong stable love now, and both our personal values and our relationships can be strengthened. Mercury is starting the enter the stars of the sting of Scorpio, a place of attacks, and these will be of the verbal kind, stinging criticism and words aimed at hurting others. This is a interesting combination and it suggests that no matter what nasty criticisms are thrown our direction, we can actually grow stronger and closer to the ones we love despite any negativity in the air.