19 January 2018

Astrology of the Day – Moon in Pisces - Saturday 20th January 2018

 Moon in Pisces - Saturday 20th January 2018

The Moon is in the sensitive, imaginative sign of Pisces today and the feeling of this day will be totally different to the that of the preceding ones. With the Moon in Pisces our ability to sense what is going on is increased many times, and we are much more likely to know what is going on without being told. Pisces is also a sign of sacrifice and our emotions will be now attuned to giving up our time or resources for anyone that we feel requires our help or assistance.

There is a steadily growing dreamy and unconventional vibe that is developing on this Saturday as the Moon forms a sextile to Neptune while at the same time the Sun moves into Aquarius. The Moon connection is artistic, intuitive and allows us to fantasise about the most incredible things and while the Sun in Aquarius has a love of freedom and brings us an intellectual and progressive attitude. This combination is quite powerful and it wants us to move forward by using our creative abilities and imaginations.

The Moon then makes a sextile to stable Saturn and we can bring a little structure to the ideas that we are having. This is a very calm aspect and with the rather haphazard and elusive energy that the Moon in Pisces brings this connection allows us to stabilise our emotions and not slip off into dreamland.

The evening is a different story altogether though. Late on Mercury forms a sextile to Neptune as the Moon conjuncts with Neptune making the same aspect back to Mercury. This double sextile and conjunction aspect is very imaginative, chatty but also potentially deceptive too. We can have amazing, beautiful insights now but also we can use the energy to convince others to believe us and our visions as well. We can escape into our own little world tonight, maybe one of peace and serenity but it could also be one of chaos and worry, if the situation we find ourselves is difficult. Please try and use this energy in a positive manner, and if you can, the ideas, thoughts and visions we experience may have a profound affect on our futures...