
Astrology of the Day – Moon in Virgo - Friday 5th January 2018 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day – Moon in Virgo - Friday 5th January 2018

The Moon starts this day in the last degrees of the sign of Leo moving void of course through the dark early hours of Friday. All the pride we showed yesterday has nowhere to go now, the crowd has drifted away, and we are left an actor on an empty stage. It's time to pack up and get back to the day job and this will happen as the Sun rises and the Moon shifts into practical, earthy Virgo. 

Now we are no longer the star, we are one of the ordinary people, trudging to work, stuck in a traffic jam, trying to find a seat on an overcrowded train. We don't mind though, as being the ordinary person is exactly what the Moon in in Virgo wants to be, it doesn't want us to stand out. This is a practical position and we will want to be of service, attend to the details and do the dirty, but ever so necessary work. 

The Moon makes just one aspect today, and it fits in beautifully with the working theme, as it forms a trine to administrative Saturn. These two planets are on good terms today, they are speaking each other's language. We get on with our day in an organised and regimental fashion, building on the progress that we made at the start of the year. This is a day of hard graft and making sure that the foundations of our life are fully secure, and to this end we should succeed, if we attend properly to the responsibilities that we have. 

Finally there is one last connection that is important, and this sees Mercury reconnecting with the star in the constellation of Ophiuchus, Ras Alhague. Last time this connection was made on 12th December, I mentioned that matter of health, social services and welfare of all would be prevalent issues for us to contend with, and you may find that these will be that will raise their head above the parapet once again...