12 January 2018

Astrology of the Day – Saturday 13th January 2018

The Moon remains in the sign of Sagittarius for the whole of this day. This is a free and easy day ahead of us, and one where our friendships will be just as important, if not more so than our relationships. Sagittarius experiences the highs and lows of life more than any other sign, and as a result this may be a day of fluctuating emotions.

The Moon's first planetary contact today is a tetchy square to Neptune moving as it is in the sign of Pisces. This is a contact where our emotions may betray us, or we may be caught into believing that that everything is fine when actually we are being drawn into a situation where our naivety or lack of experience will count against us. What we actually believe is going on may not be the truth at all. Try and stay awake at this moment.

Now there are two contrasting aspects that dominate the afternoon. Mercury makes a conjunction with Saturn and in the sign of Capricorn, this brings a very serious and business like feel to the rest of the day and yet there a very individualistic and exciting aspect competing with this one as Uranus makes a square to Venus, the planet of relationships, love and values. It's almost as if you are torn today between what you should do and what your brain is telling you to do. You may be caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, as your desires to experiment tell you one thing and your need to be respectful and disciplined says another. This is a judgement call that only you can decide upon in regards to which way you go, as in do you stay respectful to those who have been in your life a long time, or do you take a chance in regards to an unusual or different kind of person who appears on the scene. The choice is entirely yours...