
Astrology of the Day – Sun and Venus conjunct Vega - 6th January 2017 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day – Sun and Venus conjunct Vega - 6th January 2017

The Moon is in the disciplined and workaholic sign of Virgo today and we are focused on getting things right and doing things properly. There is a hard grafting and modest air about us today, unwilling to shout about or boast about what we have done or achieved, simply because it's only what we should have done in the first place. 

The Moon stars off forming and opposition to Neptune and and we are confronted by compassion and maybe someone or something that needs our love and support. The question we have to answer ourselves is if this is genuine, or a ploy to get to our hearts through subtle manipulation and deception. Remember, Neptune plays games with our minds, binding us to its real intentions, and this aspect can be an indication of the whole day. 

After this difficult and testing start to the day, the energy gets much easier and the picture is quite remarkable. The Moon then enters into a mini grand trine of quite epic proportions. In quite quick succession it will make three trines to Venus, Sun and Pluto and sextiles to Jupiter and Mars who by the end of the day will be in an exact conjunction. All this energy is easy moving energy seeing the chance to move a relationship and your values (Venus) onwards and to change the very substance of it (Pluto) through optimism, applying your actions, opening yourself out to all possibilities and by taking a chance (Mars/Jupiter). All this is carried out with a sense of balance between your emotions (Moon) and and the energy that you exert (Sun). There is the chance to move a situation on a long way under this most positive set of connections. 

Now today both the Sun and Venus make a conjunction on the brilliant star Vega. This star in the constellation of Lyra, the harp, played by the Greek God Orpheus the poet and prophet of the heavens, is linked to creative talents and the making of music that could charm the birds and beasts. This can be a very deceptive star but also one of beauty and imagination, and in our relationships and also linked to our values we can strike a clever deal today or use our talents to create magic and beautiful situations for others to appreciate. The question is, are we creating a vision to truly believe in, or one to deceive? That depends on how perceptive and switched on we are, and what we want to see. Much of what goes on today will be genuine, but a lot also will be fake, and our ability to discriminate between the two will be key to how successful our day will be...