
Astrology of the Day – Sun and Venus sextile Jupiter - Monday 8th January 2018 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day – Sun and Venus sextile Jupiter - Monday 8th January 2018

Astrology of the Day – Sun and Venus sextile Jupiter - Monday 8th January 2018

The Moon is in the sign of equality and balance, Libra for the whole of the day and our motivation is to get fairness for ourselves, whatever it takes to get it. We also want to relate and find out what other people are thinking, so this is a day of listening and also asking the questions we need to ask, to get the answers we require. 

This is quite an unusual day as the Moon doesn't make any aspects until late on, and the main energy that we initially experience are two sextiles from the Sun and Venus to Jupiter. These are optimistic aspects of good humour and generosity. These aspects help us to grow in confidence, and give us a great vibe and a good start to the day. There is luck here too, lots of it as Venus and Jupiter are the greater and lesser fortune in a positive aspect. You can take a chance today and all being well things should work out for you. Take into account that Jupiter is still connected to Mars from yesterday, and the Sun and Venus are closing in on Pluto and there is passion and intensity here too in abundance. Take advantage of the gifts on offer from the planets here. They don't often give presents, and when they do we have to grab them with both hands. 

The Moon late on forms a triple square to Sun, Venus and Pluto and we feel a little on edge and at cross purposes to how we would like to be. There is a bit of tension in the air as the day draws to a close, and the fairness that we want and desire from a partner may be missing. We may sense that we are being controlled or subtly manipulated, and as a result we may have to compromise our values or what we would like to do, to fit in with what your partner wants. Remember that the Moon in Libra ultimately want to keep the peace, and we'd rather play along than cause a scene. 

Finally, Mars makes a conjunction to the star Zuben Eschamali today and tomorrow, the more fortunate Northern scale star in the constellation of Libra today. This is a good influence for us and our actions today, so if you start something or act in a positive manner then there is a fair chance that your aims will be successfully carried out, and that you will get a good outcome. This is a socially orientated star where you can benefit from helping others out, and in the process either your reputation will rise, or you may be rewarded for your efforts.