31 January 2018

Astrology of the Day – Venus conjunct Sualocin - Thursday 1st February 2018

Astrology of the Day – Venus conjunct Sualocin - Thursday 1st February 2018
Dolphin - Venus conjunct Sualoicin

The Moon is in the sign of Leo for majority of the day, and we will want to feel loved and approved of. The Moon in Leo is very enthusiastic and we will encourage others and be very giving towards them, however inside we will be wanting reciprocation, and if it isn't forthcoming then we are likely to get hurt, we may sulk and be emotionally affected by the lack of attention. This need within us is paramount while the Moon remains in this sign. 

The Moon begins the day making an inconjunct to Pluto and soon after a square to Jupiter. Initially we may feel rather confident and unworried about what is going on, and we may make changes to things without really understanding the real ramifications of what we are doing. This “oh well, it'll be fine in the end” attitude could prove problematic to us as the morning progresses. The Moon later on forms a trine to Uranus and an inconjunct to Chiron, and we may feel a need to make progress and not to go back to old ways of doing things. There is a sense with Mercury newly in in Aquarius that we have to find new ideas and different attitudes now, and this connection only supports our motivations to move forward. 

The Moon towards the end of the day enters the less outgoing sign of Virgo and we will experience a quieter period now. It soon forms an inconjunct to Mercury, and as a result circumstances may conspire to see us changing our minds over something, or realising that what we are doing is in error, and realising that we would be better to go in a different direction. There is also the chance of a rebuke from someone who is unhappy the way that we are treating them. This day may end on a little bit of a down note, after the upbeat nature that we started with. 

Now there are two planet star connections today that will colour this day too. The first sees Mercury on the star Altair in the constellation of Aquila, the Eagle. This is a dynamic aspect for sure. Mercury flies high now and thinks just as fast. We can plan with expert precision, link logically and in a very disciplined manner. In the world around us there could be stories in the news connected to the airlines or the military services. The second aspect sees Venus connected to the star Sualocin, the jovial star in the constellation of Delphinus, the Dolphin. This is a fun and clever influence, and combined with the diplomatic charm of Venus we can seduce and bring people to our way thinking without much trouble. There could be a focus on the arts, dance, performance, celebrities and entertainers, or anything that amuses us or fills us with with happiness that catches our attention.