17 January 2018

Astrology of the Day – Venus in Aquarius - Thursday 18th January 2018

Astrology of the Day – Venus in Aquarius - Thursday 18th January 2018
Swing from the Chandeliers - Venus in Aquarius

The Moon is is the sign of Aquarius today, a sign of uniqueness, of doing your own thing and non-judgemental kindness. This is a sign of contrasts, an air sign that is misconstrued as a water sign, it's often not what it seems. Air and water doesn't mix well and there is a boundary between the two, and in the same way the Aquarian energy stays rather aloof and detached from merging with others. We may have our own views when this sign is prevalent, and yet we respect those of others too, so long as they don't try to force them on us. At that point, Aquarius rebels against the impositions being placed on it. This is the need today; the need to be just a little bit different.

Now Aquarius is starting to take over the Astrology wheel from today after the barrage of Capricorn energy, and in relation to this Venus moves into the sign of the water barer today. Venus is the planet of love, relationships and values, and now our values will change to suit the more modern, innovative environment that we find ourselves in. As for love and relating, there will be an experimental side that she will be eager to explore, as Venus in Aquarius sees the young virgin starting to get attracted to anything kinky and off limits. If Capricorn in Capricorn was formal dating, Venus in Aquarius is anything but. This energy for Venus is much more daring, and she is willing to swing from the chandeliers and wear garish figure hugging sexy outfits to attract her mate. She may use technology and internet to connect with others, as that's much less intrusive and there is a divide that allows her to network “at a distance”. For us all Venus in Aquarius brings an edge of excitement into our love lives, but also a coolness not to get too emotionally involved.

The Moon makes one connection today, a conjunction with the South Node that brings matters of the past into our lives and things that we intrinsically know. These may be emotional connections from months or even years gone by, or ones that are family based that come back around again. Either way, we will have to deal with them in a kind, compassionate but rather matter of fact manner.

There is one last link today that sees Mars making a trine to Chiron. Chiron helps us to solve our problems and heal long-standing hurts through taking a different, radical approach. Mars making this aspect to the wounded healer allows us to set the ball rolling in a new direction, and start the process of setting things right again. Remember, in Astrology, you have to make things happen through using the energy at the correct times, because if you sit around and wait for lady luck to come knocking at your door, she'll never ever turn up to assist you, so get up onto your feet, and get moving...