
Astrology of the Day – Venus sextile Neptune – Wednesday 3rd January 2018 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day – Venus sextile Neptune – Wednesday 3rd January 2018

As is the pattern of the planets in the skies right now, one very busy day is followed by a very mundane and quiet one and so the pattern continues on this Wednesday. The Moon begins in Cancer for the first few hours not making any aspects and therefore we should be emotionally a little empty. Maybe we want to show some love and attention, but for some reason you can't? Maybe there is no-one special in your life at the moment, or your partner or family members are unresponsive?

As we reach the morning and the Sun rises, the Moon enters the confident sign of Leo. Now we will desire more attention given to us; Leo is ever the showman, and whatever we do we will look for an audience for approval. There is enthusiasm now in abundance and optimism too. If we have any achievements we will be filled with pride and a “told you so” attitude. Of course anything that goes up must eventually come down, and that Leonine pride may be punctured by the only aspect the Moon receives today, a decidedly tricky inconjunct to severe Saturn. “No, no, you haven't achieved anything yet” will be the reply you get when you face your boss or your friend or anyone you are trying to impress. “That's not the most efficient course of action” will be the next retort, and of course Saturn is always right. The Moon in Leo can be overblown and pompous, and this aspect will knock us back to size.

The saving grace today though is the feature aspect of the day, as Venus the planet of love and beauty connects with Neptune, the planet of imagination and compassion in a lovely easy sextile. I mentioned about things going up in the air and this aspect reminds me of the most amazing ballooning experience that I had a couple of years ago. When you rise up into the clouds it is truly stunning; quiet, contemplative and you can forget all your troubles for an hour of being at peace and at one with the world. In this oasis of calm and love, we have the planet of love connected to the planet of higher love, we can create, imagine, seek ideals and truly show caring. You can rise above the petty squabbles and exist on a higher plain than those around you if you so wish. Seek out perfection and go with it, and this day can be one of beauty and amazing insight...