
Let Go of Guilt - Angels of Abundance Oracle Deck

Let Go Of Guilt Angels of Abundance
Let Go Of Guilt Angels of Abundance-Doreen Virtue 

This card indicates feelings of guilt about abundance. 

Perhaps you’re worried that your success will make others feel bad, or you believe that you don’t “deserve” to receive.

 Darling, nothing could be further from the truth!

Even if you’ve made mistakes—and who hasn’t?—you still deserve to have a safe, healthful, and meaningful life. 

Take a moment right now to pray, and make a commitment to forgive yourself for what you think you’ve done or not done.

When you receive, it does not take away from someone else.

 In fact, the more you open yourself up to receive, the more resources you have available to help others. 
Abundance allows you to purchase supplies to fulfill your life purpose, provide a safe home for yourself and your loved ones, eat high-quality organic food, and give donations to charity.

You inspire others with your success, especially if you’re happy and generous. 

There’s nothing to feel guilty about, so open your arms to joyfully receive!