19 February 2018

Love Your Inner Goddess Oracle Deck - Be Your Own Hero - The Green Witch Tarot - Page of Chalices

Love Your Inner Goddess Oracle Deck,
Be Your Own Hero- Page of Chalices 
Sometimes in life you need to do what makes you happy. Try not to get too emotional over what people said.

Remember this is your life and you are living for yourself not for anyone else.

You need to find your inner happiness to reach emotional & spiritual fulfilment.

Don't worry and stress too much, everything will be in time..

"Rome was not built in a day"

Allow your children side take over you time to time, let that inner child out.

Take things gently, be gentle to yourself.

Just have some fun, life is not long enough to take everything seriously.

Dream a little dream...

You need believe that you are worthy of things.

Be prepared for an upcoming opportunity, if you are not ready you'll miss this opportunity and this type of opportunity may not come back again.

It's about new opportunities, luck, possibly a new romance, and asks you to listen to your intuitions a little more and trust them.

Be a little bit imaginative... It's easy if you try.

You just need to open your mind.

Giving is the best form of interaction between spiritual beings

Believe that you are worth of an amazing life,  There's no need to feel guilty or upset or hold your back to make anyone other than yourself comfortable 
Don't worry because you are asking too much from the universe, you are not competing with others.
Living a great life, helps others to get inspired, it doesn't take anything from anyone else.
Go after what you want, what makes you happy.
Be Proud of Yourself Have some courage 
When universe shows you that you are capable of doing things, have more courage, take the opportunity given to you
Be proud of yourself and honor yourself, don't lower your standards.
Be Proud of yourself, no need to look for a hero, you can be your own hero.
Decks Used Here 

Love Your Inner Goddess