12 February 2018

Building Blocks-Wisdom of The Oracle Divination Cards

Building Blocks-Wisdom of The Oracle Divination Cards,

Building Blocks

 ” Strong foundations; a beautiful work in progress”

The Oracle’s Message: 

“You have everything you need to cultivate an extraordinary life. This is a time when your focus needs to be on the foundations you build upon. Your work, your relationships, and your very being are underwritten by your values, ethics, morals, and core beliefs. 

Are they still true for you? Will they stand the test of time and serve as the solid grounding upon which you construct   your life? Now you are making changes that will affect everything in a positive way. Your destiny is truly a remarkable and beautiful design.”

Relationship Message

When you see this card, know that you are attracting new relationships into your life – and solidifying the ones that you already have – by building them on the foundations of honesty, humility, clear communication and a genuine desire to know one another. 

You are moving toward laying the groundwork for a relationship with the firm footing that will ensure it can withstand any storm. 

Long-standing relationships are also repaired and strengthened. You and the other person are stronger, wiser, and more powerful together than apart.”

Prosperity Message

“You have everything you need to turn iron into gold in the alchemical process of creating the prosperous life you desire. 

Now is the time to build on the strong foundation you have already laid for your prosperity. Keep in mind that these building blocks are imbued with the sparkling energy of your intentions. 

Own your dream, and remember that you always have more than enough and you always are enough, so abundance is ever present. 

Your creativity is Divinely inspired, and the design for your life is taking shape in service to the world. You are meant for success.”

Protection Message

“Now is the time to address the cracks in the foundations of your life. 

Perhaps your values have changed and it is time to strengthen your convictions and let go of the things that no longer serve the vision you have for your life. Or perhaps you chose to ignore the signs that a situation or agreement you have entered into is not right for you. 

Remove the rotten pieces and reinforce your core moral strength and integrity. Now is the time for rigorous honesty, for you are called to renovate and upgrade your consciousness! 

You will be so happy when you do. Spirit has a spectacular blueprint for your life far beyond your imagination. Do not be afraid to replace what is not solid.”

Deck Used Here 

  Wisdom of The Oracle Wisdom of The Oracle Divination Cards,