20 February 2018

Death-Animal Totem Tarot

XIII / Death-Animal Totem Tarot
XIII / Death-Animal Totem Tarot

Death card is not as scary as it looks but it bring us the news of an end, and a new beginning.  
"End of relationship, marriage, friendship, end of a business contract etc, etc"
Death card completes a cycle so that you can start a new.. 
Death card tells us to accept things in life and move on..  
Although death card doesn't necessarily / always predicts physical death but it tells us except (it's an end of cycle, could well be end of a life cycle) but we can't for sure tell that someone is going to die as future not set on a stone, and we change our future with our choices and behaviours.. 
Death card is preparing you for the upcoming changes. 
Situations, things, people can change, nothing remains the same in life. 
Accept the changes for your personal, physical and emotional growth. 
Take your time before starting into new adventures don't rush
The Ascended Master of Death Card is Master El Morya 
He's the Master of the First ray.

Death card is associated with Elderflower, they are planted in graveyards to protect against negative energy and spirits 

Deck Used Here 

Animal Totem Tarot by Leeza Robertson 


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